Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! It's time to rise and shine! It's going to be a wonderful day!
Our challenge for today is to spend some good quality time with your family. If family is far away, then spend it with a good friend. If friends are far away, then find someone in the hospital or nursing home, go buy them a small gift, and take it to them. Spend some time today giving to those you love or who need love. This is the time of year for spreading cheer. What greater cheer could you spread than LOVE! RIGHT?!?
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? I'm enjoying some wonderful Chocolate Truffle this morning. It's so good! What are you sipping?
You be blessed as you spend time with those you love today!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

When I read the first paragraph of your message today, I was reminded of the movie, The Maid, starring Martin Sheen. Every morning one of his many alarm clocks goes off and says, "Rise and shine Anthony Wayne. Today is going to be a wonderful day!" as I recall.
I've been lending a lot of support through e-mails to my cousin's family since her son died in an auto accident in Sept. The pain of his loss is starting to ease and our whole family is praying for each other as we accept God's will in our lives.
Other than that, today I'm going to the gym and I try to be pleasant with everyone I meet there. One man I talked to last week who's rehabbing from an auto accident himself said his favorite time at the gym is the comraderie in the pool, the sauna, and especially the locker room. It gives him a chance to talk freely on any subject with other men. And, best of all, now women allowed.