
Nautilus vs. Free weights

on 12/18/07 6:10 am - Springfield, MO

Since I have reached my goal weight I am thinking about changing my weight lifting routine. Currently I do about 20 different nautilus stations, 3 sets of 15 reps same weight each set, 3 days a week. Now I would like to start adding more muscle mass by increasing my sets, and reps. Something like, 12 reps, increase weight then 10 reps increase weight then 10 reps increase weight then 8 reps, increase weight then 6 reps. Now would it be ok to stick with the nautilus machines or should I change to free weights. Which do you guys use, or think is better for building muscle mass. Thanks Alan

Alan Hartman
Obesity Help. Com Certified Support Group Leader.


OH groups leader of the Men's Locker Room Support Group
Come join the Men’s Locker Room online support group. A place where only us guys can post and talk. www.obesityhelp.com/group/bigal2029_group 
Proud to be in the “Before and After photo section in OH Magazine. (September/October 2009) and in the May 2010 issue of 417 Magazine (Losing it)

on 12/18/07 6:31 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Personally I avoid the natutilus style machines for most of my exercises with the exception of the butterfly machine for chest and the pulldown machine for back and arms.   I stick to free weights and dumbells for everything else.  If you want to build muscle then go heavy with shorter reps.  By heavy I mean being able to do a close to perfect repitition with around 85% of your maximum for that given exercise 6 - 8 times.  

Earl C.
on 12/18/07 8:44 am - Circleville, OH

I prefer free weights mainly, but I like machines occasionally to break up the boredom.



I believe machines are good for bodybuilding because they make it possible to do strip sets and really pump out the reps without worrying about balancing the bar. That way you can concentrate on the muscle being worked and not so much about the bar falling on your face.



If you were doing some sport I would say stick to free weights, but for general bodybuilding or fitness, your body really doesn't know if you're pushing on a 5000.00 machine or a rock. Good luck Earl


on 12/18/07 8:52 am - Mars, PA
You could try 5X5's to build muscle quickly as well, do  a Google search for a few routines.  No matter what, keep the reps under 8 to build mass. I have a V-2 Hoist unit which is cable based (love it) but I also have olympic weights as well.  I really like the quickness of changing a weight stack when doing supersets which also allows for a shortened, more aerobic workout. Since I work out mostly at home (kids and no spotter) I limit my free weight work to sets that do not go above me head.  I mostly use them for rows, deadlifts, shrugs.   Congrats on reaching your goal weight.  I can only imagine what it will be like to bulk up and actually be able to easily see the results.
Danny Riggs
on 12/19/07 12:39 am - Houston, TX
Hey Al - First, YOU'RE LOOKING GREAT DUDE!!!!!!! Ok, now that all the huggy feely crap is over with........ All the info above is great.  If you are looking for SPECIFIC muscle group training then the machines work well for "locking in" a specific path and function.  This can be double edged because if you get in to the habit of doing it wrong, you get stuck in that rut and don't get the full benefit. Free weights help to develop an overall result by forcing you to use adjacent ancillary muscles to maintain balance and stability.  The catch there is that you lose a little bit of your "safety factor" if the weight gets away from you. All in all - find what works best for you.  I will frequently use a machine to "test the waters" with a new weight or routine then switch to the free weights to replicate the move while forcing my body to be more aware of the overall situation. As said above, in the end - your body can't tell the difference between a machine and a rock so find what makes you most comfortable and keeps you safe.

Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!
on 12/19/07 2:47 am - los angeles, CA
really good posts. read them all and use them. machines do have a place. mostly free weights are better and dumbells even better because you are not as isolated. you get better quality muscle if you use other muscles to do that exercise. like pressing and such. as mentioned, it's really to strip weight on a machine and stay warm.

just remember, if you want muscle, get protein in there and don't forget, you only get big by working harder. weightlifting is a very hard sport. you have to lift more everytime you go in or you won't grow. if you keep doing the same weight, forget it, you won't grow. you'll just get used to lifting the same weight. so i suggest using compound movements not isolated ones. lift heavy in the 8 yo 10 range and then rest a day or two. get a good split routine going too. use both types of equipment if you want but remember, go heavy. it's the only you're going to get bigger otherwise you're weight training. this sport is not for everyone. it's very hard on you. so decided up front if you really want to pscych yourself up everyday you hit the gym. that's the kind of commitment it's going to take to grow muscle. not lecturing here but telling the truth! go heavy and see if you like it. once you start getting big i think you'll be hooked. it's really fun to sculpt your body.

now if it's too hard or you lose interest then back off and go back to lighter weight and higher reps. don't stop! i'm just trying to tell you what it takes and what these guys on the board had to do to get to the way they look in their before and after pics. just look at these guys! they lift heavy and seriously. do me a favor. try it for three months. you won't believe what you'll look like at the end. just do simple compound moves for the next six months and you'll look like a new person. i'm sure the other guys will give you a great routine if you need one. i posted a beginner routine last year so maybe you can go back and find that post. it sounds like you really want this to happen. great, that's what it took these guys too. tell me they aren't happy they worked hard! carbonblobl
on 12/19/07 7:34 am - Springfield, MO

Thanks carbonblob

I found your beginners routine post, after reading all the posts I am even more pscyched to give this a shot. What I am doing still gives me a rush after every workout so I can just imagine how I will feel after working with heaver weights. You talked about protein I think I got that covered I try and get in 125-150 grams of protein supplements a day , I also take glutamine. Now I am considering taking creatine as well, What are your thought about glutamine, and creatine do you use them or something else? Thanks again Alan

Alan Hartman
Obesity Help. Com Certified Support Group Leader.


OH groups leader of the Men's Locker Room Support Group
Come join the Men’s Locker Room online support group. A place where only us guys can post and talk. www.obesityhelp.com/group/bigal2029_group 
Proud to be in the “Before and After photo section in OH Magazine. (September/October 2009) and in the May 2010 issue of 417 Magazine (Losing it)

on 12/20/07 2:32 am - los angeles, CA
hey good for you big al. your protein is right on. just don't take more than 40 or 50 grams at a time. you can't process more than that at one sitting. try taking it right after a workout too. i take glutamine as well. you can go broke with supps but i take just what you do and that's it. now i would suggest not taking creatine for a while. the reason is that you will gain water weight and you won't know the real benefits. you see you will be able to lift more or do more reps with that stuff. so you need to know what your limits are before hand. so i would lose the weight first, work out for three months then try the creatine. there's a difference between water retaining and water volumization. you're muscles will look much bigger because of the water and they won't look flat either. it's a great supp. however you will gain weight and you don't want that right now. maybe 2 to 7 pounds with this stuff. you have to cycle it too. month on month off kind of thing.

so save the creatine until you've been lifting for a few months. also, don't expect to gain muscle mass. it takes a LONG time to gain that so any weight gain is probably just regular stuff going on. so if you start going up watch your diet, it's not muscle being added. ok, that's it for now. let me know how it goes. also go to this site......http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/index.html read up on the training section. you'll find everything you need to know plus video on how to perform the exercises. good luck.....carbonblob
on 12/19/07 6:48 am - ladera ranch, CA
I agree with carbonblob.  I started noticing serious muscle gain as soon as I stopped the machines and started using free weights and compound movements.  It's not hard to find a routine that works for you.  I browse through bodybuilding and fitness magazines and try new exercises periodically, but my main excercises are squats, dead lifts, bench press, barbell rows and clean and jerks. Start slow but lift heavy.  You will be amazed.
If you want to change your life than you have to change your life!

on 12/19/07 7:35 am - Springfield, MO

Thanks guys I knew I could count on everyone for some good advise. I am going to give the free weights a shot. I know I would have to go to some free weights soon anyway because I have maxed out the weights on some of the nautilus machines already, and have been just doing more reps and sets at max weight on them and I guess that is not getting me anywhere. Thanks again and I will post on my progress. Alan

Alan Hartman
Obesity Help. Com Certified Support Group Leader.


OH groups leader of the Men's Locker Room Support Group
Come join the Men’s Locker Room online support group. A place where only us guys can post and talk. www.obesityhelp.com/group/bigal2029_group 
Proud to be in the “Before and After photo section in OH Magazine. (September/October 2009) and in the May 2010 issue of 417 Magazine (Losing it)

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