Ut Oh - Prostate Infection (Eeeowwww!)

on 12/17/07 6:23 pm - Garland, TX
  I noticed when I woke up yesterday morning I had this sensation like a dull toothache (not sure how else to describe it) along the length of my urethra and up into my body ...  it even seemed to be in one testicle and around the perineal area ..  By that afternoon a pain had settled in the area of my left kidney and I had this feeling like I needed to urinate and, when I did, there was some burning ...     I finally couldn't stand it anymore and went to my doc right after work ..   After some testing and exams, he concluded I probably didn't have a kidney infection (which is what I was sure it was) but he theorized it was like an infection of the prostate gland ("prostatitis") and the pain from the infection was "referring" to my lower back, making it seem like it was coming from that kidney  ..   He put me on Cipro and Hydrocodone (for the pain) for 10 days ..   How in the world does one get an infection in their prostate gland?  (heck, I barely even use it these days!) ..     I asked the doc if this was the beginning of some sort of chronic health problem with me in that area .. and he reassured me that it was not, my supposedly being too young @ 46 for such a problem (my dad, btw, possibly had a prostate cancer when he died @ 72 of a heart attack) ..  I had a short, very stout bud in college (a D.O.'s stepson, no less) though who had chronic problems like that, supposedly caused and/or aggravated by his weight condition ..  Again, with all this weight off me, I would think I would NOT be susceptible to such an infection ..     Has anyone else ever had one of these infections, particuarly as a post-op?   did it clear up completely and cause no further problems?  
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 12/17/07 8:59 pm - Chantilly, VA
Paul, I had a similar experience this past September and was sure I had a uriniary tract infection. My urine culture showed a "huge" amount of bacteria, which the doctor said was being thrown off by a prostate infection. He put me on Levaquin, 500 MG for 1 month. He said that the prostate does not receive a large blood supply so you need to hit it with a strong antibiotic for an extended period of time. At the 1 month checkup the infection was cleared completely, with no further symptoms. Good luck. Joe
Doug S.
on 12/17/07 9:08 pm - Pelican Rapids, MN
I would ask to have a PSA drawn if your doc has not already ordered one. Take it from someone who has had prostate cancer,no symptoms, just my first exam. My numbers were elevated and a biopsy revealed cancer. I was 49 at the time. Now I'm 55 and still cancer free and alive because of early detection. Women have breast cancer and guys we have prostate cancer; one in three of us. Don't mess with this **** it'll kill ya. Totally serious here, early detection is the key. Then if your numbers are up ACT ON IT don't waste time.
on 12/18/07 1:11 am - Garland, TX
Good point, Doug ..  and everyone ..   We all saw yesterday where Dan Fogelberg (sp. ?) died of prostate c. @ 52 (IIRC) after battling it for like 4-5 years.   &:-(...    (the leader of the band IS gone!)   My doc said he would like to do the PSA at some time in the near future ..  I'm not thrilled about the digital exam though, if he has to do that too (if they even still do those) .. 
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 12/17/07 10:21 pm
I have had simialr problems, since my surgery inJan.  I have had 6 different kinds of infections in this region, prior I had none of these.  Each time I have ended up running to the docs.  I went to a urologist and had a complete rundown (fun stuff)and he stated to me that some people handle stress with head aches etc. and others handle stress by getting infections. Not sure if I believe him but I am tired of getting these infections jimd To answer your question I am hoping that i am done with these but everytime I feel a tingling in that region I believe it is another infection so i start chugging cranberry juice.
on 12/17/07 11:10 pm - Kokomo, IN
I believe him. Stress and anxiety have been shown to weaken a person's immune system.  And that gives infections, viruses, etc. an edge that they otherwise wouldn't have. Being "worried sick" is more than just an expression.

"Let's get small."  - Steve Martin

on 12/18/07 8:04 am
Been there...done that.  The Cipro works well.  If the infection doesn't go away don't be alarmed if the doc prescribes Cipro again right away.  I asked "won't my body build up an immunity to it?"  He said no.  Cranberry juice may help.  An old husband tale, cherrys or cherry juice might help (high acid).  The weirdest one concerning the prostate was when my doctor of 25 years ago prescribed marriage!!  I am not kidding!!  He said you'll use this organ more and it functions better.  One other thought is gout.  Your DS, but they have told RNY patients that they are more prone to gout.  We lose the weight quickly and have a high protein diet.  It can develop high Uric Acid.  High Uric Acid can lead to kidney stones too.  Just what you want to here.  Welcome to middle age.  My 2 cents...Brian
on 12/18/07 2:48 pm - Syracuse, UT

He perscribed marriage?????

You must have really pissed him off .

Did ya not pay your bill ?? or what .

Just joking honey ;If you are reading this I do love you . LOL  Nick

on 12/18/07 5:54 pm - Garland, TX

  dang .. maybe THAT'S my problem, Brian  ..  I need to see if my doc will write a 'script for marriage (if only some gal would cooperate)!   &:-D)    (I asked him when I got the news Monday - how can the problem be in my prostate when I hardly ever use the dang thing???  ..  but it could be that's why!   lol)



attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
Danny Riggs
on 12/19/07 12:51 am - Houston, TX
Hey Paul - Your decreased use of that gland could be contributing.  One way or another, get some more blood flow through it when you get to feeling better. Above all, make sure your doc pulled a PSA.  If he didn't, have a kind JD to MD discussion with him as to why he didn't!  (ha ha)  Prostate problems are nothing to ignore.

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