The Truth About Soy Milk (and Mayo?)
Cross-post from the Texas Forum
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Since my surgery, I have been trying to drink more soy milk and stay away from cow's milk, in part b/c of the "lactose intolerance" thing we sometimes get as post-ops .. I had just assumed that, being made from soy, the milk would have a considerably higher level of protein in it than regular mlik, as an added benefit .. Earlier this week I actually looked at the nutritional labeling, compared it with that on regular mlik, and was stunned to see no difference in the protein amounts .. < CLUNK > .. However, the carb content was only about 1/2 that of regular milk (I was looking at a "no-sugar added" plain soy milk) .. amazing ... !
I had a similar ephiphany about mayonaisse on that same shopping trip .. I had always opted for it over ketchup for dip purposes, since my surgery, in part due to the high fructose corn syrup in ketchup but also on the belief that mayo was high in protein .. A member recently metnioned how mayo has "0 protein" in a post .. I just could not believe that, as one of the main ingredients is "eggs" and "egg yolks" .. I checked the label on my visit and, sure enough, my mayo shows "0" as to protein .. How can a product made in major part with eggs and egg yolks not have protein in it? Or is it the case that a "serving" (e.g. a tablespoon) is just too small of a sample to contain a measureable amount for labeling purposes?
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Since my surgery, I have been trying to drink more soy milk and stay away from cow's milk, in part b/c of the "lactose intolerance" thing we sometimes get as post-ops .. I had just assumed that, being made from soy, the milk would have a considerably higher level of protein in it than regular mlik, as an added benefit .. Earlier this week I actually looked at the nutritional labeling, compared it with that on regular mlik, and was stunned to see no difference in the protein amounts .. < CLUNK > .. However, the carb content was only about 1/2 that of regular milk (I was looking at a "no-sugar added" plain soy milk) .. amazing ... !
I had a similar ephiphany about mayonaisse on that same shopping trip .. I had always opted for it over ketchup for dip purposes, since my surgery, in part due to the high fructose corn syrup in ketchup but also on the belief that mayo was high in protein .. A member recently metnioned how mayo has "0 protein" in a post .. I just could not believe that, as one of the main ingredients is "eggs" and "egg yolks" .. I checked the label on my visit and, sure enough, my mayo shows "0" as to protein .. How can a product made in major part with eggs and egg yolks not have protein in it? Or is it the case that a "serving" (e.g. a tablespoon) is just too small of a sample to contain a measureable amount for labeling purposes?

I feel the same way about mayo. Growing up, my mom would always buy miracle whip instead of mayo, so that's what I got used to. Mayo seems too dull and thick and a little sour for my tastes. I like the tanginess of miracle whip.
But I haven't really had a chance to try any in quite a while. As a lap-band patient bread is not on my list of daily foods.
re: soy milk .. some of the folks on the Texas Forum have me really scared now .. they replied to my cross-post there and informed us that soy intake has recently been linked to thryoid problems and even the development of goiters, so they were tossing their soy milk permanently .. Dang - why does "healthy" stuff turn ou to be so UNhealthy, sometimes???

Didn't know that about soy milk. If I buy milk I get skim, unless it is for the grand kids and then I snd it home with them. If I don't it just goes bad. If I'm not mistaken if you look at the mayo it is mostly oil of some sort. It is not that hard to make your own, but even then oil is still the main ingredient. I use to love mayo but now it just doesn't taste very good to me, even when I am just putting it in something. pan head

Just chiming in here on one thing I've noticed.
Before surgery I didn't really drink milk regularly. But occasionally I would get some cereal and drink it with milk, and have problems. I would think maybe I had become lactose intolerant. But then I noticed if I kept it up for a while ( like a couple of weeks) gradually my body would get used to the milk and I didn't have any more problems with it.
So can you develop an immunity to being lactose intolerant? I think you can (at least some people.)
I've been using milk in my protein drinks since surgery, and although the first few weeks I had a lot of gas and other issues, those have gone away and I can perfectly tolerate it now.
I've noticed that phenomenon too with me, Robross .. odd!
btw -ixnay on the Miracle Whip with me .. just the oppostei of mayo - I have always found MW gross! just too sweet (I've heard it's really just mayo with extra sugar added) .. lol
as to the no-sugar ketchup, I bought a bottle of it the other day and didn't care for it .. it just didn't seem to have any taste to it (I guess high-fructose corn syrup is "essential" to the taste of ketchup - lol!) .. I didn't try adding some Splenda to it, though, to see how that would improve the taste, if any ... that might work ..