Surgery on Thursday -- a little nervous.
Yes you should be nervous. That is normal. Yes you are doing the right thing. If nothing worked before this very well can be the thing that will turn your life around. How much is this going to hurt? I never took a pain pill when I left the hospital. I could have gone back to work in two weeks, but I waited for 3 weeks just to be sure. I also had never been in the hospital nor had a major surgery. It will be fine. Yes it's possible that you could lose weight and then regain it. The difference is that you will have a tool that will be a reminder to eat the right things. I looked at this as a "do over" I regained my mobility and have made the most of it. I have walked almost 2000 miles in the last 17 months. I walk every day rain, snow or shine. I have to, it keeps me honest and on track. I don't have any dreaded side effects, it only gets better and better. Are you every going to have ice cream again, maybe (makes me sick), pepsi, (not me, too much carbonation). I don't miss it, I used to drink a lot of it, reese's peanut butter cup (yeah I've had one or two of them), but once an oreo made me sick. It all just depends and it's different for everyone. Pray that you will have dumping syndrome. It keeps you honest. I wish I did.
You will do fine, you have to let us know how you are doing and then help others who are walking the same path. It will be your gift back to the then "newbies".
It will be fine, Look at the Sunday weigh-in's we are all real people. We have been where you are. You too can have the same results. It isn't without work, but it is so worth it.
Life is great Rick

Dan, Sounds like the Normal self-questioning That most everyone goes through prior to surgery. The pain? Different for everyone. *post above... The Reese’s cups? I think kpdurran (Chad our Boxer) posted about still enjoying them just a few days back. The Pepsi and the ice cream? Never? "Never" is one of those words like "Always." Good in theory, but doesn't hold up well against reality. I no longer have quite the taste for them, But, I will say- "Everything tastes better while wearing a Medium size Shirt!" Set your sights on where you want to be 5 to 10 years from now And do everything to make that happen. WLS is a Long term solution, which requires long-term commitment. Some find it helpful to make a checklist, like- 50 things I want to be able to do, That I can't do at my present weight. And then check them off over the first year or two. Do review WHY you are doing this... and make the commitment to your purposes. May you have a Super successful surgery and a record breaking recovery! Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Heya Dan. Nervous is normal. Nervous is HUMAN! If you weren't nervous and didn't have reservations about this then you probably shouldn't do it. Hell I experienced absolute, debilitating fear the day of surgery right before they took me back. I'd never had any surgeries before and I just knew that I was gonna die on the operating table. Well I made it through and have had a little bit of success with it. :)
About the foods you'll be able to eat after surgery... You won't be able to eat the sugary stuff for about a year post-op but you may be able to depending on how your body handles sugars. A lot of the guys on here will tell you to avoid sugar at all cost. If you want to do that then by all means I commend you for making the commitment! I just refuse to deny myself a food that I enjoy so if I can tolerate it I'll eat it... IN MODERATION! The difference between pre-op and post-op is that I can't eat a BAG of Reeses Peanut Butter cups or a half-gallon of ice cream. I eat a few pieces here and there and am satisfied. MODERATION is the KEY and in the case of my surgery (RNY) the pouch regulates that for me. Surgery does the moderation part. The moving around more part is up to me and I do pretty well with that.
So here's a list of stuff that I enjoyed pre and now post-op...
Regular Coke or Pepsi?
Yep. In my case I have one of the baby Coke, Sprite or other regular carbonated drinks a few times a week. I can only handle around 6 ounces but it does the trick. Pre-op I could drink a 12 pack in a couple of days. Now a 6 pack of baby Coke lasts me a couple of weeks. Also, with that said I drink 1 to 1.5 gallons of water a day.
Resees peanut butter cups, chocolate, Sweet Tarts, Gummy Bears, etc.?
Yep. I have a regular pack of Reeses Peanut Butter cups pretty much every afternoon after workout along with a protein shake. Funny thing is I didn't really care for Reese Peanut Butter cups pre-op. As for other candy it'**** and miss. I'll enjoy a few here and there but if I overdo it I get sick. Dumping sucks but it's also a blessing. Overdo it and pay for it.
Ice cream?
Sure, every once in a while I'll have a scoop. I'll admin that my tastes for ice cream have changed though. I don't really have a craving or taste for it now like I did pre-op. During the summer I'll even have a kiddie snowball once a week or so.
Yep. Pre-op I could consume a super-large pizza in a sitting. Now a piece or two once a month does the trick.
Sure. Not a problem. I'm half-Italian so I couldn't see myself never eating pasta again. :)
Honestly I haven't run accross anything that I ate pre-op that I can't handle now in MODERATION. Your relationship with food is gonna change. Make a commitment to yourself post-op to exercise for the rest of your life, eat at least 100g of protein a day, take your vitamins religiously and drink your water and there will be nothing wrong with having a Reeses Peanut Butter cup every now and again!
Good luck with your surgery. Pop in when you get back home and let us know how it went.