Hey boys
7/15/07 - 225 pounds
It's normal. Your pouch learns to process the food more efficiently the furthur out you get. What that boils down to is you'll be able to eat more. You'll never be able to eat as much as you did pre-op but you'll be able to eat more than you did originally. You can still get the super full feeling by eating chicken or beef though. They seem to hang around in the pouch much longer that the soft stuff. Soft foods such as chili, yogurt, soups, etc. seem to just go in pouch and slide out really fast for me. They never really leave me full.
Tom, You sound pretty dam Normal to me. That Fage is some good stuff, ain’t it? Do check those sugars though…they are higher than I would have thought. (but so much protein and the texture makes it very tempting.
I’d say just keep an eye on how you’re doing. "What has Worked for Me," is keeping about a 5 lb. range I’m happy with. If I get above that? I’ll add a little exercise, and drop back some of my carbs & fats for a week. Little gain, little adjustment…. Hell of a lot easier than trying to lose a bunch of weight. Yes? I still dump on the least sugar so sweets aren’t a temptation for me- Thank God! I’m bad enough with my fats. I enjoy my share of ribs, and fried chicken with no ill-effects what-so-ever. BUT, I typically keep enough low to 0 cal stuff around to fill up on those. I still do the whole "Protein First" business, And then opt for crisp and fresh veggies. If after a cup and a half or more of that, I’m still not "Full?" Then I’ll have a bite of potatoes or such. I still eat 6 times a day. Just habit. I eat when I’m scheduled to eat. If I get "snacky" before? (which is really rare) I’ll set it out and have it at my "Feeding time." Spending my first year and a half building routines Has made these last 3 years a breeze really. Be flexible and set "Goals" but know that they are Different than Destinations. Work to reinforce and build habits that will serve you in the long-run. It’s a long term solution, this WLS, And a long-term perspective seems to serve folks best. Where do you want to be 5 to 10 years from now? Then work with that in mind. Yes? Could be you’re just fretting. Sounds like you are right on track.
Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Chicken wings seems to be a good "measurement" stick for me. I used to be able to eat (preOp) 4 lbs of same, about 40 wings. Now, I can eat 3 or 4 and I feel full. Like others have commented, chicken/port/beef etc tend to remain in my pouch longer than softer foods and really make me feel FULL!!!
Don't much like breads anymore and dont know why? Used to be able to sit down and eat (yup, what a fat guy I was) a small loaf of caraway rye bread and a half-pound of cold butter....slabbed on and I LOVED that snack. Now? Hate it.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that while amounts may change, the actual "item" may not....at least for me. So I don't think that the amounts you've mentionned are anything to worry about...
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7/15/07 - 225 pounds