I had the same problems in the military. Always fighting with the "fat boy program". I'm now 56 years old with several health problems (high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea). Oh yea.. and I'm fat. When my doctor recommended WLS to me I was very happy and hopeful. I started the research. Which one would be best for me?? Could I make the diet changes for the rest of my life??
I went with the RNY (8 days ago) because it would let me lose the most weight. I need to lose 150#. I wanted a surgery that would not allow me to cheat as easy. In just a few months I'll be going out to dinner and enjoying most of my favorite foods (except sweets), but just a lot less of it. So when I spend $15 for a steak dinner.. it will last for 3 meals.
I wish you the best in making your decision. If you ever have any questions just ask, The guys here have GREAT advice. It's always good to know your not alone.
Hi TPinTN and welcome to the board. Honestly man, if you don't struggle with the decision then you probably shouldn't have the surgery. It's not cosmetic, nor is it a quick fix or some newfangled cure for obesity. Stuggling with the decision and preparing yourself mentally for the life change is what you absolutely need to do before deciding to do it. As I'm sure any post-op can tell you it's by no means a walk-in-the-park and factor in the possible complications and it can be quite dangerous.
With that said... I like you played football for 13 years and was in the Army for 12 years. I was always in great shape and still to this day don't know how I let myself baloon out to 464 pounds. Poor eating habits, not eating in moderation and total elimination of all exercise probaby had something to do with it. Gastric Bypass was the BEST decision that I could have made for myself. Was I scared? Absolutely. Did I struggle with the decision? Yep. In fact, I STILL struggle on a daily basis to maintain my weight loss by exercising and for the most part eating healthy. I slip in an occasional 6oz Coke, a slice of pizza or a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. **GASP** Did I just type that I drink Coke, eat pizza and eat candy? Yep. Sure did. I will never deny myself foods that I enjoy. It's all about the MODERATION now for me. Before surgery I didn't have the willpower to stop eating. Now my pouch tells me when I HAVE to stop or I'll get sick. It's the tool that allows me to eat less. The moving around more part is totally up to me.
The surgery WILL change your life. How it changes your life is up to you. :)
Welcome again and if you have any questions post 'em!