Century Card cross post
Paul asked me to post over here for all you guys.
I did up his century card that is his double one. If any of you guys would like cards made just message me. All I need to know is the following and I will this saturday do up cards. I do them up once a week when asked as my work permits. If any of you do php or java coding. I would love to set it up so folks can make their own cards using my backgrounds. Anyway here is what I need to know.
The Name to go on the card (very importain)
How much weight you have lost over all since starting this journey. (I will give out cards in units of 50 after the first 100lbs lost)
The background style of the card. For you guys I will do one in just plain gold or only with the little icon. Also there is. Hearts, roses, lotus, butterflies and holly (for december only). See the bottom of my sig and for the Holly one click on the link to the web pages for those wishing to add names to their own cards. There is a copy of holly there.
Well there you go. I will do up century cards or those that say double century. -Jaz