Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I hope you had a great nights sleep. I know I did. Nothing like sleeping soundly and waking up rested!
Our challenge for today is to be proud of what you have and who you are. BE satisfied. Be content! Don't walk around all the time wishing you had this or you had that or wish you looked like this or that. You have SO much to be thankful for. You have so much to appreciate. You are special and what you have is special. You were made to be you and if you will just set your mind to succeed, you will eventually have what YOU want, in life and body wise. We have made HUGE adjustments just through WLS. Just be happy and thankful where you are right now, till you get to where you are going. Be happy and thankful that you are you! Be SATISFIED and CONTENT!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some WONDERFUL Apple Cobbler Coffee sent to me by a wonderful friend. I even have a new cup to sip it from! THANK YOU!
Ya'll have a wonderful, content, and HAPPY Tuesday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"