CAUTION - Ibuprofen users!!!!

Jim, Ouch!
Swallowing 6 ibuprofens, even for someone with "Un-Edited" Guts Is begging for an ulcer! The Ulceration risk for Non-Ops Is pretty high with NSAIDs.
Still higher for those who have had RNY. I’ve been on prescription strength NSAID- Meloxicam (Mobic) 15 mg
For about 6 months now. My doc has me take it with a Nexium to offset any Irritation potential. So far, so good. With all of the posts claiming- "RNY’ers can NEVER Take NSAIDS!!" I would have thought you’d have caught this one. Although, many RNY’ers do take NSAIDs on Doctor’s Orders, They just usually have to take them in conjunction with - proton pump inhibitors (PPI) which block the production of acid by the stomach. Such as- Aciphix, Prilosec, Protonix, Prevacid, or Nexium. Check with your doc for better solutions for the back pain. Take it easy on yourself! Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Lots of people were unfamiliar with the "don't take ibuprofen" rule. It turned out that lots of them had vaguely heard not to use NSAIDS...but nobody knew what that meant. Aleve, Ibuprofen etc. Sometimes I think we get lost using medical jargon when we should be using our common touch.
Personally, I keep a bottle of liquid vicodin on hand. Sure, it's not an anti-inflamitory but hell, when that root-canal shot wore off and I couldn't take the IBU it sure did the trick. THAT BEING SAID...don't get hooked on the crap.