You all warned me... but.... Oh those FARTS!

Dale, Good to hear that you are out and about. It does ‘let up’ quite a bit once you move onto solids. For many it seems the 3 to 6 month mark Is when excess gas stops being an issue. However, Just like "un-edited" guts, It’ll remain a case of "Out-Put Controlled by Input." If you eat extra simple Carbs? = Gas. If you eat extra simple Carbs? And have Excess Protein? = Super Smelly Gas. If you stick with the nutritionist’s/doc’s recommendations? = low gas output, less odor. Funny you mention being able to tell where your food is In the system. I’m the same way. Still at 4 ½+ years out, I can tell exactly where every bite of food is along the way. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable

on 12/10/07 9:38 pm - Upstate, NY