iWife--what every guy wants under his tree!
I know this all sounds good, but like most other things at Christmas time the Iwife would work like you say for a little while and then it would turn into the (i***** al lthe time) and then eventually into the (inot tonight I have a headache) and then finally into the (iwant a divorce).
Now if we could just rent the Iwife and give it back when it goes bad and get a newer model. Then I think you had hit upon a good idea.

Don't overlook the "no commitment" feature. And each iWife is forward and backward compatible with other models.
We'll have to work on a reconditioning program for glitchey iWives!
And maybe a rebate if a finer model iWife is available. Al Gore probably wants us to recycle 'em anyway!
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
The main problem I see with the IWife is that it only performs well in tandem with CARAT hardware, and the CLOTHES 10.0 software system.
Both the CARAT hardware and the CLOTHES software must be upgraded on a regular and frequent basis. If not, the IWife performance degrades, it won't download, and it will not accept new input.

"Let's get small." - Steve Martin