Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! How'd ya sleep? I slept so good. Nothing like a good nights sleep! Our challenge today is "Don't let anything knock you down". You might get knoccked off your feet sometimes, but you can always get back up and be ready for the next blow. Life is full of blows. Life is full of challenges, but everytime you get a blow, every time you are challenged, don't let it knock you down to the point you do not want to get back up. You are stronger than you think. You are stronger than the world thinks. Be like the palm tree. In a storm, it might bend, but it does not break. Let's stand back up today. Plant your feet firm. You can weather the storm and you can handle life's blows! I know ya can! So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Classic Cookie Company White Chocolate Royale Coffee. It sure is good. Rich and smooth sweet tasting coffee. Gotta love it. Ya'll have a wonderful day today and remember, bundle up! It's cold here in Lower Alabama! 32*!