What's Up With that "Sexuality" Forum???
Someone mentioned to me the other day that OH has a sub-forum on sexual issues and such ... and invited me to check it out ... which I did last night, I adimt
< CLUNK > It was not at all what I expected, which would have been a serious and porfessional forum to ask questions (sometimes embarrassing) regarding sex issues relating to WLS .. (e.g. potency, frequency, positions, etc.) .. something akin to the other forums, but on the topic of sex (or at least a "Dr. Ruth" kind of place) .. However, I thought I had walked into a swinger's mag or something, people (some of which I recognize on here but shall remain anonymous) showing off cheesecake pics of their almost-nude bodies, presenting short fiction sex stories they have written for critique by others, and what could best be described as "topless club spectator behavior", both from the guys AND gals ..
wtf is it - OHers Gone Wild???

Bwah hah hah!
I've never felt the need to go over and loo****il this thread. I was also under the impression that is was an uppity, Dr. Ruth type forum that would have questions like: "I have a discharge from my vagina after sex sometimes. It's green and really smells bad. Help me!"
The lingere Friday posts are expecially interesting...
On December 2, 2007 at 4:46 AM Pacific Time, kypdurran wrote:
Bwah hah hah!
I've never felt the need to go over and loo****il this thread. I was also under the impression that is was an uppity, Dr. Ruth type forum that would have questions like: "I have a discharge from my vagina after sex sometimes. It's green and really smells bad. Help me!"
The lingere Friday posts are expecially interesting...