
Muscle Twitches?

Bret Stitzer
on 11/30/07 8:39 am - Washington Terrace, UT

For the last month or so my right bicep has been twitching like crazy.

I’m about seven months out and have never had any blood tests, could this

be from a deficiency? Or am I just being a drama queen? Bret


NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 11/30/07 10:13 am - Japan
Not sure, Bret. I do know that both of my feet and/ or legs cramp up if I eat a lot of carbs. That seems to be an effect or dumping, though. Maybe it's something related to the Vegus nerve, which is cut in RNY or some vitamin deficiency.


Bret Stitzer
on 11/30/07 10:18 am - Washington Terrace, UT
can I count it as part of my workout?


NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 11/30/07 11:57 am - Japan

Maybe if you can get a little more of the twitching action going. I'm on a special program that has me carb-loading two evenings a week, so I can actually time my cramps like clockwork. I can even do matching muscle cramps isometrics in both legs. I've almost learned to control them (being the off-on control freak that I am). If they happen often enough, you can get a half-cramp going, or you can get them to start and stop, you can do "cramp reps" (one more!), or you can let them get progressively stronger.

Sort of an oxymoron, "controlling cramps", but if you can predict their onset, you can also plan how they affect you.

Sounds like yours are pretty mild though. See if you can get one going in the opposite arm!



Bret Stitzer
on 11/30/07 2:30 pm - Washington Terrace, UT

You don't dump when carb-loading? I would be interested in learning more about your routine, I have lost a lot of weight and would like to start to get some of my muscle back. Bret


NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 11/30/07 3:11 pm - Japan

Hi Bret,

Oh yes, I dump! That is the problem. Usually I'm okay with something like Mochi or Brown rice porridge, but sometimes I even got hot, sweats or dual leg cramps even with that. I might have to start carb loading partly with tofy or non-sweet stuff like tomatoes.

I'll be scanning my routine soon. There's a link to it on the top of my profile. Or you can see about the book(s) at www.extique.com What it is, is a really brief intense 45 minute workout, that shifts from opposing muscle group to opposing muscle group, only two sets each and less than 45 seconds of rest in between (part of the "rest" is isometric tensing. The author Faigin, equates lactate buildup with hormone excretion. But he makes sure that the lactate is not focused in any single muscle group during the 45 minute period. Muscle groups are also quite spread out during the week. It's a pretty intelligent workout system. It (HIE), along with the NHE diet have been around for years, but I can't find a negative review or anyone refuting the stuff anywhere.

I'll get that scanned pretty soon, but the books are really interesting reading.

Best Wishes,



on 12/2/07 6:04 am - Garland, TX
 twitching muscles or muscle spasms in general can be a sign of a potassium deficiency ..  do you take any?  if not, you might try that (or eating bananas or oranges for it, but be careful of the simple carbs!) ..  I think a B-12 deficiency can also be responsible ..    Is it only after you exercise the arm and is it only limited to the arm?   You might be overdoing the exercise on that arm, then (i.e. straining to lift or pull something heavier than the muscle has capacity for in its present condition)  ..
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
Bret Stitzer
on 12/2/07 9:26 am - Washington Terrace, UT
It mostly happens when I'm relaxing and only the right. I don't take any potassium but do take B complex.


on 12/2/07 3:45 pm - Garland, TX
  I'd try taking a supp. form of potassium and see if there is improvement  ..  it can't do harm ..     My borther used to wake up with BAD Charlie horse spasms in his legs .   I told him about trying potassium and they finally stopped .. 
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
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