Not nervous about RNY....but

on 11/27/07 6:56 am - Newport News, VA
I'm not nervous about my Dec 4th Lap RNY, yet!! But I'm uncomfortable thinking about the catheter they'll be putting in. I don't mind it going in, I'll be put out (I hope) but I know I'll be awake when they take it out.  I've never had one. Having the Dr re-arranging my insides doesn't really bother me as much as the catheter.

The Quest: "To live longer, happier and healthier"



(deactivated member)
on 11/27/07 7:24 am - IN
Hey Bill, I was worried about that as well.  I'd never had one before this surgery, and trust me, it is nothing to be worried about at all.  You are definitely asleep when they put it in.  I couldn't feel it at all after the surgery, and it was much more convenient than having to get up to go pee all the time.  Taking it out was no big ordeal at all.  It didn't hurt in the least.  I don't know if that's because it didn't actually hurt or I was still doped up on pain killers, but either way, it definitely didn't hurt.  Don't spend anymore time worrying about it, and just concentrate on preparing yourself for your surgery! 
on 11/27/07 7:56 am - Baton Rouge, LA
Yeah i was out too when they put it in. Wasn't the case when they took it out though. She yanked it out and i thought she popped off the head of mr. Bojangles in the process. It was convenient though. Not having to get up and **** out all the fluids they pump into you via iv was nice.
Ron .
on 11/27/07 10:27 am, edited 11/27/07 10:29 am - DFW, TX
Hey Bill, The others are right. You'll be asleep when they put it in, awake when it comes out. You won't even know about it going in. When they take it out the nurse will deflate the balloon holding it in place, this doesn't hurt a bit. He/She will then pull the tube out of you know where, that stings for a few seconds. It's really no worse than getting a shot. I always get a burning sensation the first few times I urinate after it's taken out. I think the convenience of not having to run to the bathroom far outweighs the small amount of pain you will endure.  When I think of my experience in the hospital, the catheter doesn't even come to mind. Keep in mind that I had open RNY though. I was on a morphine pump, and was still in a fair amount of pain.  The surgery is well worth it, regardless of the pain!  Good Luck, and I look forward to hearing about your post surgery progress.  Ron
Dx E
on 11/27/07 6:59 pm - Northern, MS
Lord I’ve had them put in and taken out while out under anesthesia. and while awake under Nothing. Perhaps I’m like a jaded old “Hoe-er,” But No bigger at all. Yeah, a bit of a sting or odd sensation, and the added awkwardness of some stranger pulling on your “Johnson,” But compared to the rest of surgery? So NOT an issue. The Thought of it is far worse than the actual ‘event.’ Going into surgery, it may ‘behoove you’ to mention to the staff that they shouldn’t skimp on the ‘lube’ while putting it in… Remind them that they won’t be there when it has to come out, and you’d just as soon not curse them when it does… Be open and out front with all of your concerns and keep a sense of humor about it and you’ll be fine. Some comments that have served me well? When they come to pull it out and say- “I’m going to remove your catheter now, there will be some pressure.” (and they always say- “You’re going to feel some pressure.” It must be in the training manual.) I have used- “Yes, but will you respect me in the morning?” or- “What?!  No Dinner and a Movie First?” or- “Be Gentle, you’re my first time.” or- “As long as you promise to ‘Cuddle’ Afterwards.” Awkward?  Yes. Uncomfortable?  Can be for some. An Actual Reason for Concern?  Not so much. Have the Greatest on the 4th! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Doug S.
on 11/27/07 9:12 pm - Pelican Rapids, MN
We've all wasted way too much time fretting over that one. Trust me, it's no big deal. It'll be out before you realize it.
(deactivated member)
on 11/27/07 10:06 pm, edited 11/27/07 10:07 pm - northeastern, NC
If you're really keyed up about this, ask the OR staff to lube it extra well going in. The only 'bad' part is coming out, and it's not all that bad. You do not notice it while it's in. I say, with a dose of sarcasm, that taking it out was special. I've never had the clap, but now I know what it's like... (mine wasn't lubed all that well). It burned coming out and the first time I peed normally, but it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with. It was more surprise than anything else. The big shock was when they pulled my drain. The sensation was unique and took my breath away. It felt like someone was yanking my intestines out through my navel. ETA: a cute little student nurse pulled my catheter, and she had to look at Mr. Happy up close to do it. When she was done, I thanked her for not laughing at the equipment.
Gerald W.
on 11/27/07 10:51 pm - Del Rio, TX
I don't remember anything going in or out! Good Luck
Mr. Jim P.
on 11/28/07 1:59 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Yeah, I hated it, and the thought of it kept me from getting the surgery for about 7 years!  BIG MISTAKE!!!  The images of a fire hose jammed up the old crank is a lot worse than it actually is. Anyway, I had to deal with it twice so far.  The first time during my botched surgery, the second during the one that worked.  Hopefully I'll only have to deal with it one more time when they remove the extra skin. I was under when they put it in, fortunately.  It irritated me a bit, and it felt weird when they took it out.  But believe me, I was SO GLAD when they took it out! Fear not, sir.   The mind makes it worse than it is.  Plus you'll be on lovely pain meds afterwards.
on 11/28/07 5:25 am - Kokomo, IN
I have used- “Yes, but will you respect me in the morning?” or- “What?!  No Dinner and a Movie First?” or- “Be Gentle, you’re my first time.”    I assume I got one too, but if I did, they removed it while I was still under!

"Let's get small."  - Steve Martin

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