Is this normal?? Is something wrong with me??? Should I run to the WLS office???
Oh, so THAT'S the "foamies". Well then, I've DEFINITELY had them - many times.
Yes we seem to be having similar symtoms, at a similar point post-surgery. When the salive overdrive hits, I carry a cup with me, 'cause I don't want to just swallow all that spit, either. And often, I almost welcome the heaves, because it reduces the nausea, which is the worst.
You use the liquid shots? I only tried one - a freebie from the nut. office. Profect from Protica Research - 25 grams protein in a 2.7 fl. oz. shot. It was very good, but kinda pricey to use on a regular basis, I think. About $2.80 a shot when you order from their website. Kinda steep price for the convenience, compared to the chocolate whey powder I get from Wally-World.
I gotta hit the gym too. At first, walking was a good workout. Now I need some more intense aerobic and resistance work.
"Let's get small." - Steve Martin