friend who is turning grey and falling out
A friend of mine has had surgery and he is turning grey and falling out. He claims he is eating right but I don't know. I never turned grey and never fell out. He is also gained 5 pounds back, it looks like more but I don't know what to tell him. Gave him a couple of protein bars to munch on at work but I don't know what is going on with him. ANy help?
I lost about 40% of my hair in the 4-5 month range. The most common type of hair loss caused by surgery actually takes 90-110 days to manifest. The hair is dead months before it finally pushes out far enough to fall out. In my case, I think it was related to a stricture I had that prevented any food intake for a couple weeks, plus the trauma of surgery and the anesthesia.
Biotin, zinc, and protein can help. But doctors are very bad about not emphasizing that they can't help retroactively. That is, at the time you are seeing loss, it's probably too late for biotin and zinc to make much difference. The damage is done, you are just seeing the delayed onset. You should still take protein and general vitamins at this point, but basically you just have to ride it out. At 8 months out, much of my lost hair has returned, and there is a "layered" effect where the new hairs are shorter than the longer ones.
In short, your friend may be getting his vitamins/protein now but wasn't 3 months ago. That said, I never had any color change. His loss/change might have other causes. Obviously he should tell his doc.
My own hair was already gray...but I did lose like 20% of the "thickness" of not to worry. Dx has posted here many times on hair from what I remember, it's a natural occurrance after WLS.
Re: gaining any given week, I'd always like gain 2 to 3 and lose 4 to 6 or so...for example. That is Mon I would be 258, Tues 261, Wed 259, Thurs 257 etc. etc. I think that this kind of "fluctuation" is normal....but don't really know....
Dx....your take on that 5 lbs?