Monday Coffee Talk
Well, good Monday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! It's going to be an awesome week! It's going to be an awesome Monday! Gotta keep that attitude, right?!?
Our challenge today is to teach and practice manners. Remember when thank you was said? Remember when yes ma'am and no sir were said? Remember when opening doors for someone was a good thing? Remember when we all ate at the dinner table and said thanks? Manners is quickly becoming a thing of the past. I try to instill in my two teens, manners. I try to live by what my parents instilled in me. Why not use manners today? Why not instill in your children, manners? Our world will be a better place IF we would only be polite and use good manners.
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Caramel Apple Coffee from New England Coffee Company. It is SOOOO good.
Ya'll have a wonderful and blessed day full of good mannerisms!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"