Question for NOTDAVE!!!
Hehe...Ronnie's NotDave and I'm NotDave... Who is Dave?
Thanks for the compliments!
I think there's some flexibility as to when you drink the water pre-food (not after food, you have to wait then). Some people get it 15 minutes before, which is basically right before eating. You can really drink right before, no problem, from what I've heard. "Not much time for fluids" is exactly why so many people are drinking water right before they eat (plus it helps you feel fuller faster).
Best Wishes,
Hey Triple Beast,
If I do look like a "powerhouse", I have to confess that's it's mostly because I'm able to do a lot of exercise without injuring myself. I do a ton of anaerobic activity. Not only weights, but sprints and HIIT. There have been people who have gotten injured doing what I do, so in retrospect to my previous recommendations, I hope everyone will be careful when doing HIIT, fast moving court or field sports or whatever.
I exercised 1-2 times a week for 10 years at an average body weight of 270 lbs (5'9), and am natually a contortionist, so nowexercising 3-4 hours a day at 165 lbs doesn't even register as exercise sometimes.
True, most people could probably exercise a little more or a little more intensely, but hope everyone will choose an exercise program appropriate to their own individual body type and exercise background.
Best Wishes,