Friday Coffee Talk
We're doing the dance!
We're doing the dance!
It's Friday! The weekend is almost here! Do ya have big plans? We are doing our family Thanksgiving tomorrow while my brother is home. I also have Minister's meetings all day. So yep. I have a HUGE day planned. How bout you?
Our challenge for today is to stand up and be counted. Don't let anyone run over you. You are not a door mat and you do not have to let people walk over you. You can speak up and do it tactfully and in good voice. We can still be polite, yet not be someone who gets walked on. You are as important as anyone else. You put your pants on the same way as anyone else. One leg at a time. No one is more important than you. No one is more special than you are. You are just as valuable. Other's may out rank us in the job field and in society, but you are not their door mat. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some regular Maxwell House coffee this morning and it sure is good. What are you sipping today?
Have an awesome Friday everyone!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"