Let's Fess-Up Boys!!!

on 11/15/07 8:32 am
Alrighty!  Here goes! When reading what people eat post WLS, it can really be misleading because eveyone seems to show their good side only. You get the MIS-representation that everyone else is ALWAYS under perfect control.  If I didn't know better I would've thought I was listening to Jack Lalane. I'm far from the perfect post-op, but I am on target so far with 80 pounds gone and 20 to go in 4 months.......... but I don't count protein grams, fat grams, and any other gram usually. I just can't be a slave to this whole thing.  Now don't get me wrong!  Please don't say  "Did you risk your life and have this surgery just to go back to normal?" Nope!  I don't want to go back to my old normal.... but I would like to feel somewhat normal and not an alien. I still sit down and eat 2 meals at work with the other firemen at the station. I hardly eat anything most of the time, but I enjoy the company. And they haven't said a word about my new eating style. They accept it.  Cmon guys!  Please tell the human side too!  Don't you ever fail? Let's here that too please! It amazes me how some people keep track of every ounce of water everyday.. every gram of protein... every calorie...  for 5 years post WLS.. every day.  I'm not buying it!  Let's see your human side too!  Sincerely,  The Beast!
Neal R.
on 11/15/07 8:46 am - Wylie, TX
Well, during my weight loss period, I can honestly say I did not cheat once. I didn't count my daily totals, but I did look at labels and followed a rule I heard about on the main board Ithink. I never ate anything that had more tha 5 fats, carbs or sugare per serving. I estimated my daily calories, but was not real strict with that part of it, Now that I am in maintainance mode. I don't do all that and splurge here and there, trying to stay good "most" of the time. I am afraid I will always be a slave to food. I wish I wasn't, but the sad reality, for me anyway, is that I know I will always struggle with food, but the band helps me win the battle.

Banded May, 9, 2006 by Dr. Cribbens. Abdominoplaty on 02/11/08
TT pics: http://www.makemeheal.com/pictures/viewAlbum.php?albumid=4974

Facebook: Neal Riggins (Wylie, Texas)
Twitter: @NealRiggins
Jim G.
on 11/15/07 8:56 am - Waverly, PA
I'm ten months out and I record every item that I eat and drink every day.  I count protein, fat, and basically follow my doctor's plan to the letter.  This helps me know where I am at and actually gives me assurance that I am getting the proper nutrution that my body needs.  I have no plans to discontinue this practice anytime soon.

on 11/15/07 9:39 am, edited 11/15/07 9:40 am

I have more of a "narural" tendancy towards healthier eating post wls because the bad things usually leave me feeling bad. I do check all labels for calorie and fat content when shopping... I will admit that. I have never eaten sweets or desserts except yogurt and jello.... and I get my sweet fix from fresh fruit usually, or a bowl of cheerios w/sprinkles of real sugar.

I went to Arby's, Wendy's, and McDonald's one time each since surgery. I didn't enjoy the food and felt terrible after. Haven't been back. ( Thank God I didn't enjoy it!!)

Water is.. and always will be a problem. I've never drank much... and many people had me on a guilt trip post-op until I finally said  fu*k it!  I'll do what I can, but I aint drinkin a half gallon a day!  My Doctor says I do not show signs of dehydration anymore. He said some people can do fine with much less water.. and I may be one of them.

There has been a few times that I maybe ate more than I should... but I never throw-up or get pain. I just think it's too much cuz people who measure say you can't eat that much. I'm talking about  1-2 cups of certain foods. Depends what it is. The food I can eat the most of is chili. The least is meat... especially dry meat.

I have had beer and wine since the surgery.... many times.

I agree with Justdave who says it's time to eat about every 3 hours!  Food doesn't stay with you very long with this small pouch.

I am pure scum!

And I hope you all have a good one!


Sincerely,  The Beast!

Dx E
on 11/15/07 12:09 pm - Northern, MS

3Beast, Well, I’m at 4 ½ years post-op. I lost my first 200 in the first year. Then again, I was still eating my meals through a feeding tube Completely for the first 3 months, then with a little soft food Along with the tube up into the 6th month. Pretty easy to stay on track that way. It was also really easy to re-build a range of foods Completely from scratch. So far, at 4 ½ years, I haven’t had a regain to speak of. Still within the “Normal BMI Range.” Do I “Cheat?”  No, I eat ribs, fried chicken, steak, pretty much anything, Except in smaller amounts than I used to. But I don't think of that as "Cheating." Bread?  Beyond a bite, Nope.  It swells up and makes me feel too full. Rice? Nope. Same reason. Same with pasta, potatoes, crackers, chips, any of the “white carbs. I do have popcorn with the butter on it when I go to the movies. No sugar.  I dump, and so the thought of my bowels reacting To a piece of candy, the same way they would to ‘spoiled chicken’ Kinda takes all the temptation off of sweets for me. I eat like clockwork about every three hours. I'm never hungry because I eat before I get the chance to be hungry. I don’t count my calories all the time, But when I do “check it” every month or so, My intake runs typically between 2100 and 2400 calories a day. Also when I do "check it," I'm getting about 30% of my food in Complex carbs, 30% in Fats, and 40% in protein, which for me means MEAT!! Fast food?  Nope, except some Taco Bell. I still love it, but now I’m full on one or two items rather than A grocery bag full of that crap. I have an occasional glass on wine with a meal, And even an occasional sip of scotch. Maybe 2 to 4 times a month. I do drink water like I was getting paid by the ounce. Just became a habit early on. Now, along the way reading these boards out here for over 5 ½ years I have seen a lot of folks lose no matter what they were doing During their first 9 months. Early on, it is really hard to screw this up. BUT- I’ve also seen an azz-load of people at 2 years out Suddenly realize they hadn’t changed their old eating habits And were shocked to realize that WLS is no miracle cure. “Rebound weight” and folks gaining back 25 or so pounds is pretty common. Not counting your protein? Probably won’t effect your weight-loss much at all. BUT- It will contribute to much muscle loss. So that when you get down to that target weight There will be less muscle there burning calories And “re-gain” will be a hell of a lot easier. I feel that I was very lucky to have a rough start with complications. The one thing it gave me was a “Born-Again Conviction” That I didn’t go through all of that hell just to “F-it Up” over a bag of chips. Yes? My Conviction only, not everyone’s, nor should it be. As far as portions? I think it was Doug from this Board (lostnthenet) Who had dinner with some of us in Boston a few years back Who commented- “You eat a lot more than I would have imagined.” I do.  Full order of grilled Salmon and steamed veggies, Washed down with a glass of wine. But, maybe only one pinch off of a crust of bread, And Coffee, (with real cream) for desert. I eat a lot of fats, but mostly mono-unsaturated fats, (a lot of olive and canola oil, and avocado and nuts) With maybe only 10% of my fats being Saturated (butter, cheese, pork, etc…) I don’t know if my dietary intake would pass the “food nazi test” On the main-board.  But it’s what my doc recommends FOR ME And so far, it’s working… I think since the vast majority of folks posting on OH Are all under 2 years post-op (and most under 9 months) It’s easy to get the impression of everyone living on shakes and getting food stuck in their stomas, and low-fat this, and dietetic that…. Once you get to the 4 to 6 year post-op folks, They fall into two camps- Those who eat Normal portions of Healthy Nutritious Foods (and lots of them) And those who are struggling with re-gain, but still retain their old favorite foods. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 11/15/07 9:43 am
Jim.. did you lose over 160 lbs. in 10 months???    You are the man!
on 11/15/07 11:00 am - AL
I'm not perfect, and from the beginning I've tried to have room in my plan for mistakes.  I'm still eating reasonable amounts per day and exercising a fair amount, but lately my three biggest failings have been (1) not eating breakfast; (2) not counting calories/protein; and (3) eating candy during the afternoon.  The first two started because I went on vacation and got out of the habits.  The candy thing has been ongoing for months at a manageable level (a small piece or two several times a week) but got worse with Halloween, which brought massive volumes of candy into the office. I am going to fix #1 right now by going down stairs and preparing some protein shakes for my mornings.  #2 I don't plan on "fixing," at least not until after the holidays.  I'm kind of ready to start eating without counting, and it's particularly difficult to do so anyway when you're departing from your daily patterns so much.  If I am not satisfied with my loss progress after New Years, I'll restart. As for the candy, I think it may resolve itself, in part.  Candy dishes are dwindling and I'm not too prone to buy it myself.  But it is something I need to watch, since it probably has the most power to slow/undo my progress of anything in my life (given that restriction is virtually irrelevant to how much candy you can consume).
on 11/15/07 11:05 am
I'm afraid to get started on sweets like candy and baked goods. If they sit well with me it could be the beginning of the end.  I don't gag or get sick on many things at all yet.. so I have to be careful. The plus side is that foods that are dense or rich leave me feeling bad most of the time. Actually, I wish more foods DID bother me... but I am on track with the weight loss, so I must be doing okay even though I see myself far from perfect.
(deactivated member)
on 11/15/07 11:51 am - Houston, TX
Hello Beast... Us Texas boys must do it alike....when I was in the losing phase...it was balls to the wall.... now that i'm where I wanna be....it;s hard to judge....when I work out I really hit it hard...so I can;t be depleted....but I dump soooo easy...that it keeps me honest....a peice of cake will put me to bed....So I think I'm good in the AM and loser in the PM, after work, when It won't wreck my functioning... I eat a lot of oatmeal..for my sweets.... Russ
Rick A.
on 11/15/07 11:53 am - Far Northern, CA
Confession time,

I have never measured, proteins, carbs or fats. I do get in 3 liters of water a day. I do take all of my vitamins every day. I do cheat and often. Today I had a chocolate old fashion donut. It tasted as good as I remembered going down. It also made a hasty retreat on the other end a short time later. Was it worth it. Maybe, but I wont be having another one anytime soon. There are very few foods that make me feel bad, like you I wish more did. I also endeaver to walk 5 miles a day and do most days. I am 20 months out and have been at goal for 9 months and been within 5 pounds of my goal since then. I feel like I am living a normal life. I eat a normal amount of food and I treat myself everyone now and then. Maybe this is what living is suppose to feel like. I hope so.

Life is great, Rick
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