1 year anniversary

on 11/13/07 10:39 pm - Springfield, MO

Well it is hard for me to believe that one year ago today I was headed into the operating room for my RNY surgery that would give me my life back. I remember even having a rough time walking down the hall to be weighed. I even had to be weighed on the scale they used to weigh the laundry carts on. My weight was 544 pounds. As of today I am down to ( and it still doesn’t seem real) 265 pounds. That’s 279 pounds lost in one year. That’s over half my body weight gone. When I first met with my Doctor and he told me I could get down to 250 pounds I thought he was crazy, and now I am only 15 pounds away from that goal. I don’t think however he even thought I could lose that amount in a years time. In this past year I have had some complications that had made me wonder if I made the right decision, but today I can say without a shadow of a doubt having this surgery saved my life. Right now I am in the best shape I have ever been in my entire life. I want to thank Dr. Cameron Hodges for his dedication and skill to my care and him believing in me that I could make my weight loss goals. I also want to thank Dr. Edwards and the entire St Johns surgery center staff for there continued care and dedication to my weight loss journey. Also BIG thank to all the guys on the men’s board for all your support over the last year. It is important for me to know that if I have a problem or question I can ask you guys and you all will give me the answers I am looking for. 

Alan Hartman
Obesity Help. Com Certified Support Group Leader.


OH groups leader of the Men's Locker Room Support Group
Come join the Men’s Locker Room online support group. A place where only us guys can post and talk. www.obesityhelp.com/group/bigal2029_group 
Proud to be in the “Before and After photo section in OH Magazine. (September/October 2009) and in the May 2010 issue of 417 Magazine (Losing it)

on 11/13/07 11:27 pm, edited 11/13/07 11:27 pm - Concordia, MO
                               AWESOME!!!     Not so bigal2029, You are a inspiration to so many of us hear in the locker room. I must say "Thank you!" God Bless.
In Him, Chip<><

on 11/14/07 1:26 am - ladera ranch, CA
Congrats on the big one year my friend.  I am glad you are doing so well.  It's amazing how fast the time flies. Keep up the good work.
If you want to change your life than you have to change your life!

on 11/14/07 1:42 am - Lawrence, IN
Al,  Congratulations on your first year!  What a great year it has been.  You're a true inspiration to everyone.  Keep up the good work. Floyd

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Doug Such
on 11/14/07 1:49 am - Northern, CA
Little Al, Whew! bigal is disappearing. Who's going to take his place--or was it places? littleal, tinyal, compactal, fital, wiryal? You must be feeling just wonderful. Congrats on an exemplary first year.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

on 11/14/07 2:39 am - Baltimore, MD
Congrats Al. Amazing stuff this surgery ain't it? I thank God that I live in a time that it is available to me and I had the good fortune of having it covered by my employer.
on 11/14/07 2:42 am
Way to go Bigal.  One day at a time.  When we heard people say preop "hang on for the ride", what went through your mind??  My thoughts were: Yeh maybe lose a few pounds, be able to walk alittle better.  I'll find a way to cheat and not really lose it.  Al, (Sorry, but it's no longer Bigal)  it really gets better and better each day.  The Men's Forum really is a great site.  Brian
Gerald W.
on 11/14/07 2:45 am - Del Rio, TX
Top Shelf Al, What a deal!! Gerald
Chris M.
on 11/14/07 4:05 am - Cornelius, NC
Alan Way to go man.  That is an awesome accomplishment. Keep up the great work.   Are you tired of people asking you if you feel ok?  People ask me all the time with the inflection that I sould be feeling poorly or sick.  NO WAY - we feel awesome!!!! God Bless Chris
on 11/15/07 4:45 am - Colonial Heights, VA
You are an inspiration Al. Love to get your input out here on the Boards more often. Congradulations on your successful journey.   The best part is,...it ain't even over yet. I look forward to your continuing adventures and accomplishments.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
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