Guess what I'm getting for Christmas?
Guess who is having surgery on December 18th of this year? If you said me...THEN YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I got my approval today and surgery has been scheduled! So for Christmas this year, you don't have to get me a thing! Santa Claus is stopping by the hospital and delivering my present personally!
Thanks for all the prayer, words of encouragement, and just old fashioned friendship! You guys are the best in the world!
To say I'm scared is an understatement! No, I'm not scared of the surgery, I'm scared of the payback that is coming my way !
How do I feel right now...NUMB!!!!!
Have a great day, I don't think mine could get any better!
Congratulations Scott! No More Santa Suits for you!!

Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Dec. 18 will soon become another national holiday! Maybe we can all get the day off. Fear is unavoidable at the pre-op stage, but there's also an element of excitement. You'll have one of the best Christmases of your life and two New Years--Dec. 18 and Jan. 1. Can't beat that.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Way to go! I had my surgery last December 20, 2007. The hard part was the first night home and seeing all of those wonderful treats that the neighbors had brought over. They were all shouting at me to come and partake, but I didn't. I am now down 130# and feeling on top of the world. What a great Christmas present that turned out to be. Best of luck!