Anyone Else Faked Our By Our "Header Pic"?
I finally noticed the pic tonight (next to the "Welcome") when I could see a bit more clearly ..
I see now it is a man sitting on the floor in front of a laptop .. However when I first saw the pic the other night while 1/2 asleep I thought it was a pic of a profile view of a huge man standing and holding his tummy with his hands! (ewww - how UNflattering!) LOL
(and what do YOU see in the pic? it's sorta like that Rorschach psychology test .. !)
![attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving](
Hey Joe,
Dx replied by saying it was some other guy (not him) with a "southern baptist haircut". Being a southerner, I guess you'd have to be in theater to even be aware of anything called a "southern baptist haircut".
Sounds like a project for "queer eye" - straighten out that straight southern boy's "southern baptist haircut."!
Geeeesh notDave, could be right. After serious seconds of gazing at that picture and moments of careless consideration,....that guy could be DxE. That could be right after his set is taken down or just before it is put up; hence nothing but DX and his PC. The toe thing could be his searching out an answer to a circulation question or prehaps some ZEN mediative technique before going into his next creative period.
Good eye!