Men & Support Groups (Revisited) - Single Bummer

I went to the one in Fort Worth on Saturday, at Rise and Shine. I have not yet had the surgery, but I will in December. There were at least 4 other men besides me, all who had the surgery.
Not to sound critical, and I truly hope I do not offend you, but these are support groups, where you meet others who have had the surgery, and SUPPORT them. The one thing you have in common with everyone there, is the main purpose for the group. Talk about little bumps in the road, what you did to over come it and what you should have done, etc. I have been to the one in Hurst (meets at Bayleys) and again, I was not the only male. You will be out numbered, that is for sure. I think the reason is men don't feel they need support groups, they can tackle it on their own. They may be able to, but it is a lot easier with a support cast.
Paul, The support meetings I go to are probably 90 to 95% female. I find this generally agreeable, and it is certainly a supportive environment (all the ladies are glad to have a guy there****asionally there are lllooonnnggg discussons about "feelings" which can leave me wanting to shout ("Who gives a S***!"), but I always refrain because these are nice people who are caring and sensitive, yadda yadda. I agree with George - these are support meetings for people who, in some cases, are dealing with difficult issues and find strength in being with others like them (and you). Although you may meet some nice, single, attractive women, that is not the purpose of the meeting. Perhaps you could ask the ladies if they have ideas for meeting single women in your area - I suspect you will get some ideas and encouragement - they are there to support you, as well. Joe Bear

on 11/12/07 10:53 pm - Houston, TX

on 11/13/07 6:14 am - Houston, TX