Please pray for one of our brothers
I have a very close friend, Gorge Wedding, who is 3 1/2 years out and is having a bleeding issue. He passed out in the bathroom last night and needed several pints of blood . His blood pressure was virtually down to less than 90 over 50 upon arrival at the hospital in Bartelsville Oklahoma and is in their ICU. He's a great guy and needs all our prayers.
btw, what is it with internal bleeding and WLS sometimes? A good online friend of mine (and fellow lymphedemer) - "Jerry" - had RNY last week up in MN w. Dr. Svendsen and, although everything seemed to go smoothly mostly, apparently Sunday morning he passed out and stopped breathing at one point (they called code blue) .. They said what triggered it was he attempted to walk too soon after his surgery while he had a hemoglobin level of only like "7". I think he said they gave him like four units of blood .. < CLUNK > I just hope he doesn't have a repeat of this while he is now at home .. &:-/)
btw, if you see Jerry on the forums, please say "howdy"!