FART - that upset my son
thats so kool. I did the same with my dad - I came down from a 4xl to a 2xl and put his shirt on!!! He was mad and happy.
Keep up the good work.
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm
'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.' R Lee Ermey
Keep it up it will just get better. My wife looked at a shirt I had on the other day and asked me if I had been in her closet? While hanging a shirt in my wardrobe I looked over and saw some shirts that were mine at one time and tried them on and they fit, they are medium. What really got her about a week ago was when she washed some jeans and looked at mine and was wondering whose were whose. She tried mine on and said she could wear them. Of course they didn't fit her quite right, but she could wear them. Not bad considering I was wearing a size 54 about a year and a half ago, now it's a 34.
pan head

Congratulations! It's amazing how clothes shopping can be so enjoyable. It used to be that some stores like Kohls, Wal-Mart, etc. didn't carry sizes big enough for us to shop there. Now I have the opposite problem, not many of them carry them small enough. A problem that is enjoyable. Congratulations on your accomplishments and look forward to hearing of many more.