Back home and doing well

on 11/10/07 10:17 am
I got home early this evening. Everything went well, and I was able to get up and moving enough today Doc said I could go home if I wanted. Will post more later, just wanted to update and thank you all for the well wishes and prayers.
Even the toughest criminals become remarkably docile
once separated from society by six feet of soil.

Danny Riggs
on 11/10/07 10:48 am - Houston, TX
And now the WORK begins! COngrats on a successful surgery and welcome home!  Get plenty of rest between your walking and we look forward to your progress reports!

Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!
on 11/10/07 10:58 am
Get your sleep where you can.  Some sleep in a chair, some on a couch, some in bed with pillows in different areas.  Try to stretch and remain flexable (without hurting yourself).  You won't be able to get in all your water and protein the first few weeks.  Just try your best.  The gas pain will get better soon too.  Moving helps.  Later, Brian
Dx E
on 11/10/07 1:02 pm - Northern, MS
Great News! Glad to hear you're home! Enjoy those drugs a few more days Then get to enjoying the next 30+ years!!! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 11/10/07 1:47 pm - Syracuse, UT
Good job . Glad to hear ever thing went well . heal fast and start farting , much and often . Light a match would ya .  Nick
on 11/11/07 3:43 am - Concordia, MO
Right on.....Glad you maid it home. Don't forget Walk,Walk,Walk Sip,Sip,Sip. You know the drill.
In Him, Chip<><

on 11/11/07 7:43 am - ASHVILLE, OH

Glad everything went ok!  Right behind ya!




on 11/13/07 2:13 am - Baton Rouge, LA
Hi Gary. Welcome to the other side bro.

I'm glad you didn't have any complications and are doing well. It's gonna be better every day. Just take it easy and enjoy the beginning of the rest of your life!

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