And another Newbie

on 11/9/07 5:22 am - FL
VSG on 04/16/08 with
The men's board ahs been a great help   88% of people getting WLS are women.  I like alot of you hae been fighting my weight all my life and have decided to do something about it .  Am I scared?  Heck yes.  Will it improve my life ?   Heck yea .  I wanted a VSG  but was turned down by insurance  and more I read about RNY I think it is the way to go.  I have had all the tests  got insurance approval just waiting for my PCP to approve.  My blood sugar is high and really haven't been eating correctly and stays in the 200 range I hope that this does not prolong the wait.  A question for yall.  Has anyone had to have plastic surgury after the WLS ? I have read where men sometimes don't need it  and other places that everyone needs it. Eddie
on 11/9/07 8:00 am - CA

Welcome aboard, the board.  I was also wondering about the plastic surgery thing.  Since I am posting I am hoping some of the O.G.'s here can let me in on the jargon I have seen on here, mainly what exactly is a FART?  Please also help out with some of the WLS specific terms. Eddie, what is VSG?  Look forward to getting to knwo you all as all this is happening.

on 11/9/07 8:49 am - Milford, CT
Hi Eddie, Welcome to the best forum on the web.  So many great experiences and knowledge.  I've learned a lot that has helped me since my surgery 5/21.  I had RNY.  It was what I decided would be right for me.  Everyone is different and this is a personal decision.  Ask anything here and someone will have some info to share. As far as what a FART is, I copied a piece from one of DX posts. "The current acronym equivalent there for "Wow!!" On the Men’s Board is- Fantastic Awesome Remarkable Tremendous (FART) See Post- vc=0" As far as plastic surgery, there are several I've seen posting on their experiences.  You can look back over the posts from the last couple of weeks.  I am almost 6 months out and down 120+ lbs.  Will I need plastic surgery?  It looks like it.  But I've got a ways to go and I'll have to evealuate when I get there. Best of luck and welcome again, Brian
Danny Riggs
on 11/9/07 8:54 am - Houston, TX
WOW! All these newcomers makes this almost feel like an AA meeting or something........LOL! Welcome to you and the others. Your high blood sugar is actually another reason to have the surgery.  I, too, was diabetic pre-op but have not had any diabetic related issues since about a month after surgery.  I still check my blood sugar regularly.....about once every three days....mostly as a reminder to myself of where I have come from. Regarding plastic surgery - I haven't had it yet, but likely will.  There are several guys on here who have had it........STEP UP, RUSS!!!........and will be great sources of info for you.  When it comes to PS, you really must consider the whole "want vs. NEED" argument.  The PS is often more complicated, time consuming, painful, and elective than the WLS was.  You're a long way from that point in your journey so for now, focus on getting yourself healthy and learning your new lifestyle. Good luck to you and welcome.

Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!
Doug Such
on 11/9/07 9:17 am - Northern, CA
Welcome Eddie. As the guys are saying, this is a great place that will grow on you. As far as plastic surgery goes, a number of guys have had it and many of us (me included) are expecting to. But with or without it, life post-op can be really sweet. Again, glad you're here.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

on 11/9/07 9:36 am - Syracuse, UT
WOW  two new guys in one bullet .  hello and welcome to the locker room   As of this thanksgiving I will be two years post opp . It will go fast so hang on . I guess Im one of the old timers ?        People come and people go ; you will see that if ya hang around long enough .  This board is a great place for all types of info .   Ask and you will get at least three different view points .( at least ) LOL Thats a good thing my book ,take with you what ya need and forget the  rest .      Nick
Beam me up Scottie
on 11/9/07 10:13 am
Hey ed.... I think the questions of plastics depends on how much you lose, how old you are, genetics, etc.  I lost about 300 lbs and can tell you no amount of genetics or exercise would have helped me avoid plastics...but I knew that going into WLS.   Since you haven't had WLS yet....have you looked into the DS?   The VSG is the top portion of the DS and might be another option for it has a higher "cure" rate for type 2 diabetes then the RNY (i think the rate is something like 98 percent for the DS and a 83 percent for the RNY).   It's just another option. The VSG is not currently being approved by  most insurance companies as a stand alone surgery because it is considered to be "experimental".
on 11/9/07 11:32 am - ASHVILLE, OH
Eddie, Welcome to the group. One thing I have learned here, is no matter how stupid I think my question is, someone else has been there too. Ask away, there is help here, without fluffy people getting there feelings hurt.. LOL. But.. I may ask if these jeans make my butt look fat..... Dale
on 11/9/07 1:50 pm - Garland, TX

Many factors come into play as to whether PS will be necessary, including total amount of weight loss (before/after BMI), age, smoker vs. nonsmoker, long sun exposure vs. little, etc.    As guys, I would think we have an advantage in that it is easier for us to put on muscle mass than with the ladies (esp. the chest), but in some cases no matter how much you exercise there will still be loose skin and/or stubborn fat pockets that can only be removed via surgery.

  As for myself, I anticipate needing the following done, as a minimum:  (1) lower body lift  (2) manmons removal  (3) moob removal  (4) "bro" overhang and "batwings" removal on upper arms  and (5)  thigh job ..  I suspect many SO males will need similar procedures, esp. those over 40 ...

 We gotta be brave, though  ... I've heard PS can last as long as 8 hours (and sometimes is done with only a spinal block - ugh!)  and that it will HURT LIKE HELL for a long time ..   &8- O) 


attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
Dx E
on 11/10/07 1:38 am - Northern, MS
Eddie, Welcome to the Board! for PS?  try this link... PlasticSurgery-on-the-Men'sBoard Hope you find all of the info, experience and support This bunch has to offer. Best Wishes- Dx

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