Panic attack...
You know, you'd think after 3 years (off and on) of investigating this surgery, and then the last year of that 3 in active pursuit... that I'd have all the 'jitters' out of my system. Well, last night I was entering the month's important dates in my online callendar. Put payday, doc appts, bill due dates, etc.. .put my pre-admission test appt.. then thought.. heck, even tho I know when it is.. can't forget.. might as well put the surgery date.. just so I can see it.. have that goal in front of me.. I suddenly realized.. I had been holding my breath... not really sure how long... I let it out in a rush, heart pounding, almost dizzy... and hate to admit it... felt fear. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT??? This is me! Calm, cool, collected, logical.. got it all planned out... meals and drinks planned, getting house ready, contacted important people, giving encouraging speeches to my family about how 'it's all gonna be ok.. it's good for me!"... and I lose my breath just writing it down? With just over 2 weeks to go.. I think the reality is finally hitting me. I seem to be getting very emotional.. something I hate. Tell me this is common, right? I wasn't expecting to get the 'what have I done's ".. til AFTER surgery.. .. LOL. Dale

It'll be ok there Dale. Jitters are normal. Kinda feel like your going up on a rollercoaster and about halfway to the top you say to yourself: "what the hell am I doing up here"? Just wait till your in the pre-op room...LOL. Its a major step, but you will be fine. Sit back and enjoy the ride. And dont hate getting emotional. You need that to release all the inner tensions. There are no medals for bravery, only the rewards that follow.....Good luck. Good luck to you too Chip..hope all goes well for both of you.
amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".