I'm new
First of all, welcome. This is a great place to be, so much knowledge and "real" advice. I've learned so much since I've been here.
What you are worried about was the same thing for me, however, I did this for a reason. I have specific goals in mind for myself. Yes, I have had to change how I look at food. Yes, I nbeed to be careful of what/how much/how fast I eat. Yes, there is a huge change.
But at the same time, the changes have allowed me to really "live" for the first time in so long. I play with my kids and now it's them that get tired before me. I coach my daughters soccer team and can really participate. My knees don't hurt after I take part in any sport.
My advice is to focus on your goals and go for it. If you've been thinking about this for 5 years I'm sure the research has been there and a lot of thought around the whys.
There are a great group of guys on this site. Ask anything and I'm sure someone has experienced it and will share from that experience.
Good Luck and welcome again,

Being a loser is the greatest victory you will ever know!

If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester