The Dreaded Pot Belly!!!

on 11/8/07 6:25 am - New Haven, CT
Ok Brothas( I added some slang),   I have been working out and now I have a pot belly(like my Daddy)o how do you get rid of that Pot Belly!!!
Dx E
on 11/8/07 7:32 am - Northern, MS

(not a beer belly is it?) No matter what info-mercial gadget Claims to “Spot –reduce” fat from the abdomen, The only way to lose it, Is to reduce the overall % of body fat. The ratio of Fat to Lean Muscle Mass actually. If the ‘pot-belly’ is just cropping up? Could be from a quick rapid gain. When fat is first stored on the body of “Most” men, It all goes on the belly first, then over a period of time, Is redistributed around the body. (with women it is equally stored on hips/thighs and belly) Check your diet for High-Glycemic Carbs. Carbohydrates are essential, and a “must have” part of the diet For energy and tissue growth, etc… But, The High-Glycemic Carbs, (the white ones- Flour, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice…and all sugar) cause the body to store fat at a quicker pace And spike the blood-Sugar /insulin levels up and down. Low-Glycemic Carbs, Vegetables, Beans, and whole grains, Keep blood sugar levels more constant and the fat burning Rather than storing for later. Track everything you are Actually Eating for several days, And check out the specific foods against a Glycemic index.

It’s the foundation of the “Abs Diet,” “The South Beach Diet,” and many other Healthy eating plans. Just because our guts are edited, doesn’t mean we don’t need to “Eat Healthy.” Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 11/8/07 7:20 pm - Japan

Hi Derrick,

Some of that happens with age, but sugar and carbs can cause a lot of it. Alcohol, soft drinks and fruit juice are biggies when it comes to getting a spare tire. Also, processed foods. Go back to the good old stuff. Boiled beans, brown rice, baked fish, apples, oranges. If it's liquid or mushy or if it's liquid, mushy and starch or sweets, it's going to put on a pot belly.

We're going to turn you into Mr. natural here (not your hair, but your food! lol).

Then, there's that hour of exercise every day that you've got to do...


Doug S.
on 11/8/07 9:03 pm - Pelican Rapids, MN
I would add that it is important to strengthen the adominal and lower back muscles. Most of us guys let these large muscles go as we kept adding weight which resulted in lower back pain and the protruding gut as these muscles weakened.  Work on those muscles and your posture will improve which will help that gut to go away. And of course we need to eat the right foods. It sucks, but pretty much avoid anything made with white sugar or white flour.  Doug
on 11/8/07 9:44 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
And if you don't get the results you seek form the former excellent advice, a bunch of bench pressing to make the chest bigger so the gut looks more proportionate. We always need a Plan B.................... Another thought is breaking your meals into smaller more frquent serving so as to not stretch your stomach but the other side of that pancake is not to get into grazing/ eating constantly and puttin on weight because of total caloric intake.   Consider a visual of the amount of food consumed, i.e. 8 oz per sitting.  Size of the food outside, size of food inside pouch, size of gut sticking out. Its not a literal and totally accurate way to do it because of chewing and time to pass thru, etc., etc., but when I think about my presurgical stomach having a 64 oz/1 gallon capacity and a gallon jug of milk, I better understand why it stuck out as big as it did.  I stretched that sucker out all by myself. The visualization helps me keep some perspective post-op to try and avoid going back to that situation. Good question.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
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