I can ride again !!!!

on 11/6/07 5:40 pm - Syracuse, UT
Well my brothers of the locker room  after NOT beeing able to ride for the last seven weeks , I can ride my bike again ! Let me start by telling you all I ride my bike to and from work .( or did )  Back in Aug I was riding home after working a twelve Hour night ( I work second shift )  Riding home at 3:30 am,  for the most part is a peaceful ride . There's not very many people on the road at that time . Anyway  I was riding home back in aug. it was still very hot then and I was wearing shorts and a T shirt .I was getting ready to cross over a bridge that goes over interstate fifteen . Udot was working on this bridge so there was only one lane open and it was on the wrong side for the way I was going .  I had just crossed over to the left side of the road to get over said bridge . Then all of the sudden out of nowhere there was a car load of kids in a little import type car . they must have thought it would be REALLY  funny to see how close they could get to me and scar the crap out of me . This in turn made me take evasive action. I hit the sidewalk at about 18 miles an hour my front wheel got caught in a rut in between the grass and the sidewalk .This slammed me to the sidewalk I slid down  a 10 ft embackment filled with landscaping boulders and came to rest in the parking lot of a big O tires .I was knocked out for how long god only knows . When I came to I was stuffed under the front end of a car looking up at the under side of an SUV . Lucky for me I was wearing a helmet, but the rest me did not fair so well. I picked myself up and got on my bike and road the next 5 miles home . When I got home and looked at myself in the big enteryway mirror IT SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME .  My chin was split wide open and my shirt was torn apart and covered in blood ; my blood !!!!! My shorts were in the same shape , and also covered in blood . I knew it was time for a trip to the ER. Well my brothers it took 18 stitches to close up my chin on the outside and another 3 on the inside . That was not the really bad part . The road rash was though . All down the left side of my body i had the biggggest case of road rash ever. three dislocated fingers , a brocken collar bone and in need of a skin graft on the left shin just below the knee ( 10 " 4" patch )  After three days in the hospital I was told to go home and take it EZ. YA right , like I was going to do anything eles but .  I spent the next 4 weeks at on bed rest .  I am healed for the most part  and back on my bike . The good news is my bike was not damaged in the least . SO if you ride wear your helmet, I think it just may have saved my a few extra stitches .  Have a great day    NICK
Jim G.
on 11/6/07 8:30 pm - Waverly, PA


That is quite a horror story.  I hope you are doing ok now.  If they catch the driver, they should be arrested.


on 11/7/07 11:38 am - Syracuse, UT
Thanks Jim . No they never did chtch them . I couldent even tell the police what the car looked liked . All I could say was that it was an import that played really loud music. LOL Thump thump thumpedy thump .ya know like that . The cop just laughted and said ya I know what ya mean . Nick
on 11/6/07 9:45 pm - new city, NY
thats nuts!  glad to hear your ok adam


on 11/7/07 11:39 am - Syracuse, UT
Thank you for the kind words Adam  Nick
on 11/6/07 10:13 pm, edited 11/6/07 10:14 pm - ASHVILLE, OH


Glad you came out ok, and I feel your pain.  Last time I rode, before I had to give it up.. I laid mine down, all by myself.  Luckily mine was at low speed... after my nerve damage, I was out riding, proving to myself that I could still ride like that... took off from a stop, went to lift my leg onto the peg, it wouldn't come up.  So me being bright.....while rolling I give a big ol heave and jerk my leg up on the peg.  Funny how a bike reacts when a 500+ pound man jerks his leg suddenly at low speed.  Infamous death wobble... I had about enough time to say 'Oh crap'.. (or something like that.... ) , wheel flopped to the right, and over the bars I go, proving a fat man can fly.. LOL.  Luckily no broken bones.. but boy that road rash sucks!   I never really liked  helmets, but it is very reassuring when IT hits the pavement, instead of my purdy face... LOL. Dale

on 11/7/07 2:58 am - South of Boulder, CO
Wow, cool - riding your bike at 500 big ones. I was at 425 a month or so after WLS before I was brave enough to give it a shot. My old steel bike never forgave me for the pain and suffering I put it through. Best of luck with your upcoming surgery and WEAR THAT HELMET my good man. Boner
on 11/7/07 11:56 am - Syracuse, UT
WOW  Dale 500 + lbs  You must be talkind about another kind of bike then I am . I am talking about a bicycle , ya knowpedal power . I do know a little about  nerve damage though . I have neuropathy in both of my feet . Thats way I took up cycling , my feet could not take the pounding of running  . I dont have a pool at my house and walking was out as well . So cycling seamed like a good choice . Now ,as it turns out I  love cycling . I have three bike that I love to ride . And I have had the joy of that death wobble that you speak of long time ago on my motorcycle . I hit a dog at 70 mph while riding to work . I dident make to work that day . lol  THANKS FOR THE KIND WORDS Dale
on 11/7/07 12:06 pm - ASHVILLE, OH
OOPs! LOL... you can tell where my mind runs Nick.. LOL.. you say 'bike'.. I assume one with an engine! My bad! Dale
buckeye john
on 11/6/07 11:03 pm - OH
Thanks for the reminder Nick.
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