Tuesday coffee talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! Gotta get up and get going. A new day has dawned and it's going to be a WONDERFUL day!
Our challenge today is to be happy. Reember back in 1989 I think it was, there was a song that came out entitled "Don't Worry, Be Happy" ? What a title to a song. Let's not worry today! Let's just be happy. Why not be content and be happy with life. You have so much to be thankful for! You have so much to be happy about. We all go through days where we wonder what we have to be happy about. Not good to do! Look around you! Look at what you have! You have EVERY reason to be happy. Live life happy! If you walk around always being down, people are going to shun you and not want to be around you too much. If you are happy, you are going to attract so many friends and family you won't be able to contain them all. HEHEHEHE So live life and BE HAPPY! I DARE YOU!
Who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Chocolate Truffle sent to me by my Secret Pal and I am loving it! It's good and hits the spot this morning.
I KNOW you all will have a wonderful Tuesday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"