What a difference a week makes!

Troy A.
on 11/5/07 11:32 am - Fort Worth, TX
So last monday I lay in a recovery room feeling like a bus had run over me. I was thirsty, I was in pain, I was constantly looking at the clock on the wall thinking I just have to get through this day and tomorrow will be better. This monday. Slept the best I have since surgery, no pain meds. Still some crazy dreams though. Up at 7am, help my wife get our oldest ready for school. Sip on my protien drink for an hour, get in 20g of protien. Drinking no longer bothers me. I can get up and sit down in a chair with out the groan today. I walked for 1.3 miles for the second day in a row. My JP tube is now almost clear and it comes out Wed morning. The only soreness I have is under my rib, and I feel it when I lay down or get up from laying down, and when I sneeze. Oh lord please dont let me sneeze unexpectedly again!  Felt like someone poked a shotgun in my wound and pulled the trigger! The thing I cant get over is how normal I feel and how happy as well. One week, just one little week and I feel this great and it will only be better after Wed. It almost seems wrong. I shouldn't be recovering this fast. I shouldn't be falling into the routine that I should have been doing for years this easily. My wife has been so great taking care of me. I really hope I can make it up to her some day. I just feel blessed I guess. Troy

All time recorded high 4/15/07 334lbs at the start of my 6 month approval journey.
Liquid Diet 10/15 329lbs - 10/29 309lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
DoS 10/29 309lbs - 11/29 282lbs = 27lbs gone forever. 
11/29 282lbs - 12/29 269lbs = 13lbs gone forever.
12/29 269lbs - 1/29 249lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
1/29 249lbs - 2/29 239lbs = 10lbs gone forever.
2/29 239ibs - 3/29 230lbs = 9lbs gone forever.

on 11/5/07 10:46 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
Thats great,..but hold on to that cause a down period is pretty standard in the 2 to 3 month post-op period.  Body chemistry adjustment or something but we all seem to go through it at some point early on.  It passes too and its usually helps to do some vitamin and suplement adjustments to get through it faster.   BUt hey, you might be one of the really lucky ones and blow right past that phase.  You can hope. Congrads on doing so well and adjusting so quickly.  Remember the good days so the occassional bad days, like when you eat a bit too fast at an inoportune time or your inadvertantly eat something that has too much sugar or fat and makes you hurl happens, or you ar battling head hunger and really want to binge but know it will make you ill if you do.  Minor stuff but some of the mental games your head goes through with the longer term adjustments to your new (Better) lifestyle). Keep us posted on your continuing success and MAY THE FARTS BE WITH YOU!!
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Troy A.
on 11/6/07 8:08 am, edited 11/6/07 8:08 am - Fort Worth, TX
Joe,  Funny you should say that. I told my wife the other day that I am feeling rather emotional. I have cried more in the last week over movies, songs and jus****ching my kids and wife than I have in the year before. I will heed your warning for the depression. It's not something I have ever had to deal with at all but if my emotions are swinging this way then I have no doubt about what you say. Troy

All time recorded high 4/15/07 334lbs at the start of my 6 month approval journey.
Liquid Diet 10/15 329lbs - 10/29 309lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
DoS 10/29 309lbs - 11/29 282lbs = 27lbs gone forever. 
11/29 282lbs - 12/29 269lbs = 13lbs gone forever.
12/29 269lbs - 1/29 249lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
1/29 249lbs - 2/29 239lbs = 10lbs gone forever.
2/29 239ibs - 3/29 230lbs = 9lbs gone forever.

Dx E
on 11/7/07 9:56 am - Northern, MS

Troy , Congratulations. Sounds like you’re off to a Great Start. Emotional? Yep, just another common aspect- Check this thread….. MoodSwinging-Post-Op? Each week gets a little easier, And life gets easier as the gravity keeps getting turned down. Have the Greatest! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Gerald W.
on 11/5/07 10:49 pm - Del Rio, TX
Things seem to be going well for you and thats great. My wife supported me from the get go as she had seen my best friend go from 379 to 175 in three years, with no problems. By the way I grew up just south of Ft. Worth. It's a great place to live. Good Luck!
Troy A.
on 11/6/07 8:09 am - Fort Worth, TX
Gerald, Everytime I see your loc I get a little bit sad. I deer hunted in Ozona Texas, due north of you, for 13 years. Lost the lease and sweetheart deal we had on it and this is now the 3rd year I will miss out on hunting. If I was guessing where south I would make my guess Grandview! Best little town on I35. And My wife has been great as well. She has always been way better looking than me, and people have always wondered what I did to trick her into marriage, but she has been with me from 155 to 340. She says she doesnt care about my weight, just my health, but I cant wait to get back into the sub 200 range for her.  Troy

All time recorded high 4/15/07 334lbs at the start of my 6 month approval journey.
Liquid Diet 10/15 329lbs - 10/29 309lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
DoS 10/29 309lbs - 11/29 282lbs = 27lbs gone forever. 
11/29 282lbs - 12/29 269lbs = 13lbs gone forever.
12/29 269lbs - 1/29 249lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
1/29 249lbs - 2/29 239lbs = 10lbs gone forever.
2/29 239ibs - 3/29 230lbs = 9lbs gone forever.

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