Update...advice needed
First the good news. My weight loss has been great. As of this week I've lost officially 300 lbs. All that in just over a year. I have no complaints concerning the weight loss. I still have some difficulties with eating properly (protiens) but I took DX's advice and I "just do it". Some days my system is more sensitive and just doesn't allow me to keep much down.
I just had my gall bladder removed and a hernia repair two weeks ago after suffering some severe abdominal attacks for the last 2 months. I thought that would be the end of the abdominal pains but not so. Since the surgery I began having non-cardiac chest pains and a constant severe burning type pain in my center chest area and my lower back. I have been taking lots of tums, rolaids and some prescribed meds all with no relief. I go back to the specialist on Weds to get a scope done. He thinks it might be an ulcer.
What do you guys think??? Can anyone share anything similar?
Thanks for all of your help of the last year or so. You guys really do mean alot to alot of people. Many new people have fears at first and this forum helps a great deal.
God bless. Will
I thought that abdominal pains would cease after the last surgery but from time to time I do experience very similar pains. They are nowhere near the length and intensity as before the operation but they still suck ballz. Most of the time I am to blame because I had just eaten a snowball or some sugary food I had no business eating in the first place.

Did your surgeon tell you it was OK to eat Tums and Rolaids? I thought they were bad for the pouch?
Will, Congratulations on the 300 gone. But sucks about the pain! 2 weeks since surgery? Any chance it’s a C02 bubble from the gall-bladder surgery? If your gall bladder was done laproscopically That could be at play here. Hernia repair use mesh? There's is also a syndrome where that mesh is pulling on Or irritating nerves that could lead to some severe pain. A “Neroma” or trapped nerve. No real advice one way or another except- Keep that doc on speed-dial till you are past this. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable