I am having a hard time trying to get this damn tool to work again
OK yall I am having a hard time trying to get this damn tool to work again. I have been at the gym working out like LL trying to get rid of this keg and get me 12 pack(next best thing to a 6pack) and it seems like I am gaining weight. I am getting a lil discouraged again and it seems like all the weight is the mid section, my kneck, arms, legs, chest is thin but my stomach is swollen like it is bloated and my clothes feel a tight in that area, could it be stress
So again I ask how is this WLS surgery thing supposed to work????

You might want to return to the Dr. and get checked out for possibility of something physically wrong with you. Then perhaps a visit with a nutritionist to get your menu tweaked. Are you exercising? I've been on a plateau myself for about 3 months. I'm starting to think I slowly slipped back into some old, bad habits. I'm trying to return back to basics and remind myself to eat right and exercise. keep me posted, we're sort of in the same boat. Good luck.
Hey Bro,
I am a stress eater too. I try to fend it off but sometimes I just have to give in. If I do give in, I try to limit the damage. I have some leftover protein, a protein shake, or cottage cheese or ricotta cheese. I have found that if I don't keep the foods in the house that I'm most likely to turn to in times of stress, it helps a lot. For me it's peanut butter, nuts, and chocolate. I can, and in the past I have, just sit down and try and drown my feelings with a whole jar of peanut butter.
At my best I just hold off the stress eating. I try and find something else to do, watch TV, hop on the exercise ball and do some crunches, clean, or something. Easier said than done I know. My other strategy is to remove myself from where the food is. I go upstairs, away from the kitchen, and surf the internet for porn..(lol...just being honest), or watch TV.
I was stuck in the 270s for a few months. I decided to try and shock my body into action. So I upped the cardio from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. I do a half hour on a stationary bike, then lift for 30-45 minutes, then hop on an eliptical trainer for 60 minutes. It kicked things into gear for me.
Take care.
Froma recovering stress eater too; stress doesn't MAKE you eat. Stress causes frustration and eating use to provide comfort. If you return to those habits, you get the same results as before surgery; gut and butt.
Stress doesn't make you eat; we make the choice to eat or do someting else. We have to choose something else. Walk; walking doesn't require anything special unless you are doing it for an extended period or choose to change into exercise clothes or maybe sneakers. It doen't require special anything unless you are progressing into jogging as well,...good for you.
The whole liquid and soft food transition period was to let your body heal but also to alter your eating habits. It can serve as a proving ground that you can live on much less food that you imagined before surgery,....you really can, especially with the vitamins and supplements we should be taking.
You have endured too much, come too far, lost too much weight to throw it away and blame it on stress. Life comes with stress. There will always be stressers.
Hammer on something, take up golf (hitting a little ball; with a big club!), go a batting cage, shoot some baskets, chop wood with an ax, swim, ride a bike, but do something that requirements you to move and not just sit in front of the TV or computer. Continue your success. Don't quit on yourself.
I've been stuck at 230 since July 9. Ive been down to 224 and up to 236 and its Nov 5. I have to be honest with myself and my diet and exercise. I was eating too many carbs and am redoing my base intake but this weight is going down. I am going to see 200.
Take up your own cause and lets kick some flabby butt together!!!
Hey Bro!
I am in the exact same place you are in. I have been stuck at 280 for 5 months and can't seem to beat the 70s door down. I started at 430 and am pretty happy with the results so far, but I seem to have that same mid-section lump ****** on my parade still. I started out at a 64" waist and I am down to a 44" waist, but if I didn't have this mid-section distortion hanging on me, I could be in the 30"s pants. Having no ass is no fun either!
However, I am working out at the YMCA 5-6 times a week and couldn't be happier.
YES I want to get rid of this waist (waste) but I can hang in there. I know you can as well.
I am 6''1" tall. Same basic issues but I haven't really had to move up in size yet. I do admit to easing up on the diet restrictions though. I am motivated to make the correct changes though. DX and Monica Ganz both told me once that getting back to the beginnings of this deal would bring on the desired results of restarting the weight loss sytall. That means more protein, more water, less carbs, and less reliance on surgery alone. I really welcome this stall in a way, because I now get to find out if I was all blow and no show when I told my family that I just needed a start to win my new life.
The Bible says in James that I should
"count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
Sorry if I am off on something that is a personal motivation, but I have long felt a kinship with you and many others on this board, and I will be nothing if I am not at least as honest as I can be with kin. I am motivated by that stuff, and I don't wish to present myself as cramming anything your way, as we are who we are and I would wish to hear the straight poop from you from your perspective as well.
Be successful man, and I am made a part of it by my support of you.
Great input. Enjoyed your mutliple responses on this post.
With the plateaus/stalls, I started at 408 and started plateauing at 4 months out but they keep breaking the weight dropped as I hung with the program and keep moving/being active. I have a record of the weight and dates with the stalls noted if that will help you any on my profile blog.
And while we are not at the same stage or point on our journey, I found your advice and encouragement very useful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing your attitude and committment.