Who Am I????

Chuck N.
on 11/2/07 2:01 am - Salt Lake City, UT

Hello Everyone.....     24601!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Ok - I couldn't resist.... For all you Les Miserables fans out there.... Anyway, I haven't been around much lately, but I just wanted to take a minute and re-connect with the board.  So much has happened since my surgery in March, and I'm having a bit of an "identity crisis" (for lack of a less dramatic term) LOL. I'm 7 1/2 months post-op and I've lost 220 pounds.   I've bought a nice condo in a very nice part of town, I've quit my full-time job and started my own business, including teaching graduate levels courses at the University, I'm throwing parties again, I'm going to the theatre again, I started working out and swimming again, and it's all kinda f***ing with my head................ So, I went back to therapy 3 weeks ago (to a therapist I went to 20 years ago), and things are starting to make sense to me again.   It's amazing how much impact all these changes (even though they are positive) have had on me.    8 months ago, I could barely get my 547 pound body to work and back home by the end of the day.  I would spend all my free time sitting in my recliner, resting up so I could get to work the next day.  I was too heavy to even do my own grocery shopping, so I was doing it online and having them delivered.   Amazon.com took care of the rest of my shopping.    Anyway......   I haven't had any complications at all from my surgery, and I've stuck to my post-op diet 100 percent, and I'm definitely reaping the rewards in terms of weight loss (and, I couldn't be happier with my weight loss results).   I just wasn't expecting the psychological impact on such dramatic lifestyle changes in such a short period of time.  But, I'm dealing with it and VERY Grateful for all the wonderful things going on in my life.........

Hope things are going well for everyone, and it's good to be back.


on 11/2/07 3:31 am - Sacramento, CA
Ok for starters SLC can F with anyones head LOL!!!  (ex SLC'er")  start going to clubs and dancing Sleep around and then you will feel better !!! It's SLC eat ICE CREAM & JELLO !! Go to Windover ! OK for real, I know that meeting life "HEAD ON"  (apply directly to forehead) is OK for all of us. ENJOY your new self !! Have fun !!  If you are a MO hang with MO's if not hang with everyone else. Dude you are 327  so close to "twoser" land how long has it been you were in the TWO"S ? Keep smiling !!   Laughter is great I hope to be where you are someday !!
Chuck N.
on 11/3/07 1:51 am - Salt Lake City, UT
LOL - thanks for the reply Mike.....   Utah is definitely a unique place, that's for sure.......    I'm a Utah native, but went to Graduate School in San Antonio, did my clinical internship in Wash, DC and lived and worked in NYC for many years.   I moved back ot Utah in 2002 after my father got sick, and needed some help.  It's good to be back closer to family, but i do miss NYC.....  I gained about 200 pounds in the first 18 months returning to Utah (gee - ya think I have issues with this place??? LOL).... Anyway - I'm an Ex-Mormon... was excommunicated years ago, and I'm fine with it.  That's why i was origninally in therapy 20 years ago...  And, now that i'm back working out, and starting back to some other social events, i'm meeting some new cool people (yes, SLC does have a liberal community - even a very outspoken Democratic mayor, and an openly gay State Legislator - who wudda guessed?????)... I weighed this morning, and I'm down another 4 pounds since Wed - so, i'm below my High School weight of 330.   I played football and wrestled in high school - and, my weight was 330.  Pretty amazing. Thanks again for your reply bud....     The two's are right around the corner, and the goal is in sight.... Chuck
on 11/2/07 4:00 am
Sounds like your doing fine.  Yet, it can be hard dealing with the new issues in your life.  On this board I've said, along with others, "hang on for the ride".  When I heard this pre op, I really didn't have any idea what they meant.  It is really like an ammusement park ride!!  That is the best way to explain it.  But since I am post op, it has become alot more clearer what they meant.   Cinderella, Jon of Les Mis, a butterfly, a wild person who becomes a commited Christian, a heart transplant patient, someone who wins the lottery or a Google employee who gets their stock options, all these people have to deal with a new way of looking at life.  Wishing you well on your journey...Brian
Chuck N.
on 11/3/07 1:57 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Hey Brian, Thanks for your reply.....   Who the hell knew all these befits came with a pschological price????  And, YES - i was paying attention in class LOL.   Problem is, being a Social Worker myself, I think I just figured that I could handle it all and wasn't prepared for the dramatic changes that were ocurring so rapidly......   I was in a place where I had resigned myself to a body of 547 pounds, and an early death - and, now I'm having to redesign my life...........  What a gift that is.....   It's a hell of a ride guys............   HANG ON TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!   Thanks again Brian... Chuck
Paul Gubrud
on 11/2/07 10:24 am - Pelican Rapids, MN

Chuck, It is good to hear you are doing so well.  I’m very happy for you.  Before you realize it you’ll have the urge to go hiking in the Wasatch Mountains and skiing in Park City. Life is grand isn’t it?  You are doing great and continue to enjoy your newfound life.

May Your Lantern Burn Bright,
Chuck N.
on 11/3/07 2:00 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Hey Paul, Thanks for the reply.  Not sure I'm ready to strap on the snow skis yet - I'm six foot ten, and now that i don't Waddle when i walk (taking LONG strides again) - i'm having to find my balance again....  I'm 41 years old, but feel like an ackward teenager sometimes - losing my balance, bumping into walls....  It's actually pretty funny - give my friends and colleagues some humor LOL And, I'd love to go hiking - but, we've had an early winter, so the Wasatch are covered in snow (great news for the skiiers and snowboarders) - but, thats' another great thing about Utah, I can always drive a couple hours south and be in the Southern Utah desert and go hiking........   And yes - Life is great on this side.......  i'm enjoying it immensely........ Thanks again... Chuck
Dx E
on 11/2/07 1:16 pm - Northern, MS

Ah, “Re-Adolescence!”

Jean Val? …an ex-con, becoming the liberating force of good in the world…..? How many times that plot pops up out here! J Let out of the imprisonment of gravity, and stigma, There’s a whole new world.


After we make peace with  “…all of those ‘possibilities’ being in the past,” “There is ‘Life’ So Suddenly.” Snow blind…. White.  A blank page or canvas.  So many possibilities.” ... Go re-invent the “You,” you want to be! A lot of responsibility, but what a thrill. Congratulations!! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 11/2/07 1:33 pm, edited 11/2/07 1:33 pm - ASHVILLE, OH

Did anybody else hear theme music playing during DX' post?  I couldn't quite make up my mind if it was Chariots of Fire, or Eye of the Tiger.. but dang it.. there was music coming from somewhere!  I was almost looking for the credits to start rolling!


Dang DX.. you should be a motivational speaker.. LOL.. Good stuff!




Dx E
on 11/2/07 1:48 pm - Northern, MS

Well, Chuck began with some 'Les Miz,' And being the consummate “Theater Goob” I had to throw in some Blanche Du Bois- “…there is [God] So Suddenly…” And a little Sunday in the Park ~ Stephen Sondheim- White.  A blank page or canvas.  So many possibilities.” ...
All the rest is semi-distracted typing while drafting…. (My brain’s Editor / Censor takes off early most days)
Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

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