Who Am I????
Hello Everyone..... 24601!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok - I couldn't resist.... For all you Les Miserables fans out there.... Anyway, I haven't been around much lately, but I just wanted to take a minute and re-connect with the board. So much has happened since my surgery in March, and I'm having a bit of an "identity crisis" (for lack of a less dramatic term) LOL. I'm 7 1/2 months post-op and I've lost 220 pounds. I've bought a nice condo in a very nice part of town, I've quit my full-time job and started my own business, including teaching graduate levels courses at the University, I'm throwing parties again, I'm going to the theatre again, I started working out and swimming again, and it's all kinda f***ing with my head................ So, I went back to therapy 3 weeks ago (to a therapist I went to 20 years ago), and things are starting to make sense to me again. It's amazing how much impact all these changes (even though they are positive) have had on me. 8 months ago, I could barely get my 547 pound body to work and back home by the end of the day. I would spend all my free time sitting in my recliner, resting up so I could get to work the next day. I was too heavy to even do my own grocery shopping, so I was doing it online and having them delivered. Amazon.com took care of the rest of my shopping. Anyway...... I haven't had any complications at all from my surgery, and I've stuck to my post-op diet 100 percent, and I'm definitely reaping the rewards in terms of weight loss (and, I couldn't be happier with my weight loss results). I just wasn't expecting the psychological impact on such dramatic lifestyle changes in such a short period of time. But, I'm dealing with it and VERY Grateful for all the wonderful things going on in my life.........
Hope things are going well for everyone, and it's good to be back.
Ah, “Re-Adolescence!”
Jean Val?
…an ex-con, becoming the liberating force of good in the world…..?
How many times that plot pops up out here! J
Let out of the imprisonment of gravity, and stigma,
There’s a whole new world.
After we make peace with “…all of those ‘possibilities’ being in the past,”
“There is ‘Life’ So Suddenly.”
Snow blind….
“White. A blank page or canvas. So many possibilities.” ...
Go re-invent the “You,” you want to be!
A lot of responsibility, but what a thrill.
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Did anybody else hear theme music playing during DX' post? I couldn't quite make up my mind if it was Chariots of Fire, or Eye of the Tiger.. but dang it.. there was music coming from somewhere! I was almost looking for the credits to start rolling!
Dang DX.. you should be a motivational speaker.. LOL.. Good stuff!

Well, Chuck began with some 'Les Miz,'
And being the consummate “Theater Goob”
I had to throw in some Blanche Du Bois-
“…there is [God] So Suddenly…”
And a little Sunday in the Park ~ Stephen Sondheim-
“White. A blank page or canvas. So many possibilities.” ...
All the rest is semi-distracted typing while drafting….
(My brain’s Editor / Censor takes off early most days)
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable