Friday Coffee Talk
WOO HOO! We made it! It's finally Friday! Wanna do the Friday dance?
Sorry I am a little late this morning. My ISP was down for a while.
Our Friday challenge is to walk in love. What do I mean? No matter how you are treated, love the person/people who treat you badly. If you do, you will show integrity and you will look good in the end. We all work with someone who treats us ugly. We sometimes even have family members that treat us like dirt. Sorry to be so blunt. We even live with someone at times that doesn't treat us like we think they should. If you will CONTINUE to show them love when they are showing a lack thereof, you will drive them batty and they will wonder why they are treating you so bad. You will recieve the reward in the end and you'll be glad you walked in love. Walking in love is the ONLY way we can change the sitation that is around us. If we stoop to their level and walk the same way they are, the situation only gets worse. So, make the change by walking in love toward those who treat you bad. You will be the winner in the end!
SO, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Maxwell House regular blend this A.M. It's so good!
I'm about to get Torey and Allison up and we are headed to the local Cafe for a good old b'fast that Daddy doesn't have to cook this a.m. I love to treat them every once in a while.
I know you are going to have an awesome Friday as you walk in love!