I am home!

Troy A.
on 11/1/07 4:46 am - Fort Worth, TX
Well thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. I have to say I probably came through this with flying colors. Going to post exactly what went on with me for anyone that may be curioius. Monday morning we got to the Hospital at about 7am. They started doing all the pre op stuff and the first thing I got was a Hepron shot. Could be off on spelling but it keeps your blood from clotting and I got one of thos every morning and evening during my time in the hospital. They do them in the stomach but they are cake, seriously no pain at all.  Well the fun started right after my first shot when they tried to plug an IV into the back of my hand and it hit some sort of valve we all have in our veins. It was just the nurse and I in there at the time and she says...."Oh my" and starts applying pressure to my hand. I said "Whats wrong?" obviously not looking at it cause I am a bit squimish about needles and such. She explained what happened and then started calling for another nurse. She called for her a couple of times and was getting no answers so I began calling for her myself with a bit more urgency to my voice. Well someone finally came and they got it all straightend out, of course by this time I was buried in cold rags and turned upside down in my bed. Apparently they thought I was going to pass out.  They ran the IV into my arm instead and it worked fine there. The back of my hand was swollen as a son of a gun and stayed that way for a couple of days. So after that adventure they got me settled in and told me I would probably be going back to surgery in 30 min or so. I had my mom and father in law come in and I told them I loved them and gave out hugs. I was very calm I have to say. Then my wife came back and she held my hand and while she did I prayed that everything would go well. Then we talked a little and...... The next thing you know I hear a radio on the wrong station, just static and it is right in my face so I try and slap it away, twice I think, before I realized I was in recovery and that was just oxygen. Bizzare!!!!! I mean one minute I am talking to the wife the next it was over! I almost think I can remember them asking me to move over to another table but I am not positive, but enough about that lets talk about waking up. The catheter, OH MY!!! I was on fire down there I mean I knew I was going to have that in for a day and the first thing on my mind was no way in the world can I make it a day feeling like this. However it was kind of hard do concentrate on burning wee wee with pain that was in my chest. I seriously thought they must have bailed on laproscopic and opened me up, turns out that was just gas. The nurse in recovery said it may help if I moved my hips so I was churning like crazy in the bed. They finally took me to my room and things started to settle down a bit, the catheter stopped burning and I just accepted it, it really didnt bother me again until they pulled it out. Mama mia! But even that pain was very short lived. You see we are on pain meds the whole time so I think that helps a bunch. That first day was by far the toughest. Nothing to drink and severe gas (btw everyone is different in regaurds to gas so some people may not have near as much pain from it) I was a walking fool though. I had more than a few nurses commenting on my walking because I got up to do it a lot. It wasnt until about 7pm that first day that I had a scare. You see I think I had a bit of drainage and my mouth was so dry, and rags and sponges just were not helping much, that I started feeling sick when I tried to spit up the crud in the back of my throat. Well that lead to full on dry heaves. Three rounds of them. Three rounds of terror, and a 10 on the pain scale. My wife was there she had the pillow for me to clutch to my chest and I was crushing her hand for strength to get through it. All that passed. I made sure I got my pain meds everytime they were due. Note for anyone going through this. Dont be shy about telling a nurse your ready for your pain meds or your water. You have nothing but time to keep track of all that, they may forget or not be as prompt if you dont remind them. Second day arrives and I get wisked away for my leak test. I knew this was big. Pass this and you get 1 oz of water or crystal lite every hour for the day. It is like winning the lotto! Well the barrium in the leak test almost made me start yakking again. It tasted what I imagine lemon flavored furniture polish must taste like. Horrible. I drank as much as I could and told them I was going to be sick if I drank another bit. They said it was fine, and not to get sick. It took about 30 to 40 min for them to get all the various Xrays and when they were done I went back to my room and about an hour after that my nurse came in with a 1oz cup of crystal light. Passed!!! Then a bit later the catheter came out and life was good, well until 6 hours after the removal when she asked if I had urinated yet. I said no. She said I had 30 min to do so or it was going back in and she wasnt kidding. I got up that second and filled the bottle with about 100cc's. Another FYI your urine is gong to be pretty bloody, that is normal and it goes away after a few days. Slept well that night, though I was reminded yet again not to miss pain meds. Third day they progressed me to 2 oz cups of water and crystal light then some sort of boost drink then the final meal and the worst food ever served to anyone that I had to eat some of before I could leave. This was when I got my first feeling of fullness. When it really hit home that I am a new man. I ate maybe 1/2 of pureed steak and I was done. I felt full. I didnt want another bit of anything. Home last night tried to sleep in bed, that didnt work, slept in the recliner. Woke up a ton, but I think things are getting better. I have been out walking today and also I am able to type out this to yall. Glad to be back, and glad to have a place on the bench finally. Troy

All time recorded high 4/15/07 334lbs at the start of my 6 month approval journey.
Liquid Diet 10/15 329lbs - 10/29 309lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
DoS 10/29 309lbs - 11/29 282lbs = 27lbs gone forever. 
11/29 282lbs - 12/29 269lbs = 13lbs gone forever.
12/29 269lbs - 1/29 249lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
1/29 249lbs - 2/29 239lbs = 10lbs gone forever.
2/29 239ibs - 3/29 230lbs = 9lbs gone forever.

Chris M.
on 11/1/07 5:04 am - Cornelius, NC


Sounds like for the most part you had a routine surgery.  The hand thing was a little strange and gross, but sounds like it was no big deal in the long run. 

Congrats and welcome aboard.

Really - pureed steak in the hospital?  I couldnt do that for 2 weeks or more.  Anyway all docs are different as to pre and post op diets.

Your story reminds me of my surgery a year ago - just mostly boring and routine - the best kind.

Keep us updated.  Walk Walk Walk and Sip Sip Sip.  Follow all the docs rules and reccomendations and you will be nearly half the man in about a year.  Belive me it goes by quickly although right now you may not think so. 

All the best


Start 326/Goal 175/Now 168

Dx E
on 11/1/07 5:39 am - Northern, MS

Troy , Great to hear you’re home and on the mend. Blood in your urine? I never had that.  Could be your catheter went in crooked! J Could be where all the “burning” came from. Puréed steak?  Also “out in front” on that one, But I’ve seen folks whose docs demanded they eat solids Before going home, So … Go with Your Docs Plan. Now, as you are healing up these next few weeks, Don’t feel like the Lone-Ranger if you start feeling “Down,” Or Moody. Post-Op depression is SUPER Common, As is some emotional surges. As the body burns through the fat so quickly in these first weeks? Testosterone stored in the fat tissue, floods the system periodically. And, near 0 percent of fat in the diet intake? Testosterone levels can drop dramatically. Put the two together? And you are on the Male-Hormone Roller Coaster! Hang on and know that the ride ends….. If you really feel down in the dumps, Call for a prescription of something to help you Over the hump of Post-Surgical Depression. Keeping your spirits up, helps you feel better faster. You get no extra points for “Bucking Up” and “Being a Man about it!” Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is an Option.;-) The Dry Heave**** some folks. I had ‘em like clockwork for about 3 months. If yours comeback for any reason… (brushing teeth sets off some folks – instant gag reflex) Call the doc and ask for something to stop them. I’ve had several different ones…. Compazine - stops involuntary muscle spasms, dizziness, and that “sweat” in the back of the throat, Phenergan (promethazine hydrochloride) was my favorite, stops all of the nausea stuff but it can make you really sleepy. Reglan (metoclopramide hydrochloride) was also good stuff, also makes you tired, Zofan (don’t remember what it was, just the name) helped a lot, but caused gas…. At the hospital they were given as shots in the IV, later at home, I got shots in my IV/PicLine, or liquid versions, and even tablets to chew. Some docs recommend anti-nausea meds as a suppository, But as for me?  I think I’d rather puke! I mean really, add the word “Suppository” to any med (Phenergan Suppository) And suddenly, it loses all of it’s appeal. Hell, add it to ANYTHING--- Bar-B-Que “Suppository”   Rocky-Road-Ice-Cream “Suppository,”…. See? Get your rest and keep at that walking…. And-  SF Popsicles!!!! Glory on a Stick! Best Wishes- Dx


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Doug S.
on 11/1/07 5:54 am - Pelican Rapids, MN
Glad to hear you have that behind you. Now the journey begins. Congratulations! My cathater experience was that they had to get the on call urologist to insert it because they could not. It took that guy over a hour as I understand it. Sure glad I was "sleeping" through all that. The cause for the trouble was old strictures from a past prostate surgery.
Doug Such
on 11/1/07 8:41 am - Northern, CA
Welcome home Troy. Don't you just hate when a doctor or nurse says "Oh my!" or "Oops!" during a procedure. Ouch. Good luck settling in at home. I discovered that after the first day I was tired enough to sleep pretty well in my recliner. I'd wake up a few times a night but was able to get back to sleep pretty easily. and as long as I was awake, i made myself get up and walk up and down the hall a few times. I did the old walk, walk, walk, sip, sip, sip religiously and think it helped. Good times ahead--get ready for a great journey.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

Troy A.
on 11/1/07 8:54 am - Fort Worth, TX
Thanks for the replies guys. Well, I forgot some of the most important things. I was sitting up for a while typing that out and wore out.  I told my wife to ask the Dr Kim about my liver when he came to see her after the surgery. What he said took away any doubts I may have had about doing this. My liver was at least two times the size it should have been and very fatty. He said that without this surgery he could almost promise I would have been looking at diabetes and hyper tension with in the next year, two at the tops. You see for me, I always had the tiniest bit of "should I be doing this" because of my lack of comorbidities. I mean I had none, no high BP, no high cholesteral, no sleep apenea, no diabetes. So i was really wondering how much of the "WTH have I done to myself?" I would have after the surgery. The result of finding out about my liver has made it zero. The only thing I had close to that was wondering how I was going to get through the first day in the recovery room. Other than that I have been rock solid in my decision. I also have drain JP drain tube until wednesday that I am not wild about. I have been told it is very painful to have removed on some people. However I am not really dreading it because it is just one more hoop to jump through on the road to recovery. My spirits have been very high, only missing a  pain med can put a dent in them at all. I look forward to the time that I wont need those. I am trying to stay on my feet and walking around the house as well as outside. I walked a little over a fourth of a mile today outside. Ok, a couple of small questions. I am having some pretty bad gas any time I sip sip. I almost always have to burp after and that doesnt feel great. I believe that my natural way of drinking folds air into my liquid. Any tips or tricks on how to get as little air as possible down? Second question. I am having a headache right behind my left eye. It isnt so bad that I need something at the moment, but what the heck do you take for headache post RNY? I think the tylenol capsule is to big. Thanks again for all your support Troy

All time recorded high 4/15/07 334lbs at the start of my 6 month approval journey.
Liquid Diet 10/15 329lbs - 10/29 309lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
DoS 10/29 309lbs - 11/29 282lbs = 27lbs gone forever. 
11/29 282lbs - 12/29 269lbs = 13lbs gone forever.
12/29 269lbs - 1/29 249lbs = 20lbs gone forever.
1/29 249lbs - 2/29 239lbs = 10lbs gone forever.
2/29 239ibs - 3/29 230lbs = 9lbs gone forever.

Dx E
on 11/1/07 12:11 pm - Northern, MS

Liquid Tylenol for kids, and just up the dose… There’s a "Conversion for adults" on the side of the bottle. AND- take it easy even with the Tylenol. For folks with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) or NASH, Tylenol more than a few doses in the same day can really strain the liver. Particularly while you’re burning through And processing the waste from a lot of excess fat tissue. Best advice on the headache? Call the Doc. Have him call in a ‘script.’ That air in from sipping? Some of it is just the result of irritated Fresh Cut Guts. Sip slower/smaller sips, More frequently. That gets better each week… Anything that releases endorphins will cause you to feel better. Heating pad on the back on low, Or have the missus rub your neck… "Swear by it!" Hope you are hittin’ on all cylinders soon! Best Wishes- Dx



 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Chris M.
on 11/1/07 11:28 pm - Cornelius, NC


Tylenol makes adult chew tabs - expensive compared to regular, but well worth it.  It absorbs quickly and works fast. I still use them now if I have an ache or pain since they work so well.  They also make an adult liquid. Chris

on 11/1/07 12:27 pm
Your doing fine.  I had to bring the cathater (and bag) home with me for a week.  Him and I became good friends.  Don't overwalk and don't underwalk.  Your body will tell you when your tired (listen to it).  Concerning the headache, it sounds like a sinus headache.  Benadryl may be allowed with milk.  Concerning the gas, here are a few things that may help.  Walking, rolling around on the floor, pushing the gas along your system (almost like you would work out a charliehorse), standing and pretending you are tying your shoes (from a standing position).  Keep up the good work...Brian 
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