on 10/30/07 8:15 am - Houston, TX
Sounds like it is time to change things up. I try to eleminate the grey areas. I pack my lunch the night before. I eat breakfast and then I have the day at work planned out for the most part. I include snacks for work. I measure out one oz of cheese and almonds and have them with me. I have a quart sport bottle I keep om my desk at work that I fill up in the morning and afternoon, that way I keep track of my water intake. After I eat my meals I grab a stick of gum or two and start chewing it. That keeps my mind off drinking right after meals. My advise is to change one thing at a time. Do it for a few days, till it becomes a habit and then call it done and go the next thing. It sounds like you know what you want to change so jump in and start. Start with something that may seem easy, that way you will have something to check off your list. pan head

Doug, Stable blood sugar levels are very helpful. Checkout what you are eating against the- GlycemicIndex
Carbs are necessary and helpful But high-Glycemic Carbs, can cause more calories To move into storage as fat Than be utilized for energy and muscle growth. Sub out lower glycemic fruits and veggies for the ones That are higher. The littlest difference in intake, Can make a world of difference in outcome. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable