Tuesday coffee talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I've overslept this morning. Gotta get it in gear and get the kiddos up. I hope you slept as good as I did. HEHEHE
Our challenge today is to accept the fact that life is not all about us. There are others that we interact with and sometimes it is about them. It is about our families. It's sometimes about others and when we realize that, life will go so much better. So many times we get caught up in US. Let's not just focus on us today. Give attention to someone else today and watch the reward you will get. It's not all about US!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? MOre Chocolate Covered Strawberry coffee. Sure is good. Want a cup?
Ya'll have a wonderful Tuesday! Be blessed!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"