Do you have 'goal' clothes around?

amazed to see where I have come,where I'm going, where I'm from".

Ditto on the leather jacket, I am wearing my leather jacket I bought back in 1979, every time I ride my motorcycle and it is cool enough. I have a high tech Joe Rocket jacket, which is warmer and water proof, but it's not the same. I bought this jacket the summer after I bought my pan head.
I was the same about t-shirts, was all I ever wore, except for polo work shirts the company I work for provided. I have discovered something called a clearance rack. I thought they only had them for women but now I hit them every time I go into a store. I now have a hole bunch of what I use to call dress shirts that I wear every day. I bought most of them for 3 to 5 bucks. Buying them that cheap I really don't have to worry to much about ruinning them at work. Thrift stores and great also. This spring my wife and I were on vacation around Tampa and we went thrift store shopping and I picked up 2 new pair of Levi's for 5 bucks ea. When I was 375 I was lucky to have one dress shirt and dress pants. I had maybe a couple of jeans that fit and would wear them to death. I have bought several pair of Levi's frome ebay. I don't know if I am a clothes horse yet, I am on my way. pan head