He's Baaack
Hello men:
Have not posted in a while.
Life has been a real challange
First weight and health are fantastic !!
Income / financial security: really chalenging; business income off by 90% GULP
Closed my office and went to work elsewhere; fuutre looks bright; 4-5 Months out.
Marrige: 27 years; wife made it official today; she wants to seperate; WOW; lots of issues; my weight loss just one of many.. very mixed emotions.. decided to stay still; not do anything Rash; process this life changing development.
Will post daily to process all of this
Thanks in advance
lap rny / 1/25/2006
320 Then / 180 now
320 Then / 180 now
I can relate, I had the lapband done last Dec. and my wife of 33 years just hit me with divorce. It seems incredible, we're both getting our life together (physically) by losing the weight anf trying to get healthy and both our wifes choose now to file for divorce???????
I hope all goes well for you, I know firsthand this can be a very stressfull time. Good luck to both of us. Dan
Add me to the post-WLs marital mess as well. My wife filed for divorce 1 year after WLS after 25 years of marriage. We haven't officially divorced yet but have been seperated for the past year and change. Although we had some problems, I thought we actually had a pretty good marriage going on. As Gomer Pyle would say "SURPRISE, SURPRISE!"
Hang in there fellas!!