Weird Loss

Nick P.
on 10/28/07 12:45 pm, edited 10/28/07 1:21 pm - Cheyenne, WY
Hey guys.  I know I don't chat a lot on here, but I read all the time.  In any case, I wanted to see if people had some similar problems with how the weight is being lost. I have lost nearly 80 pounds in 13 weeks, and I am pretty happy with it.  My goal was to lose 100 by 6 months, and I am well on my way to that.  I am getting attention from friends and coworkers about the weight loss, and everything is just going great all in all. Cept on thing.  My body is shrinking in weird places!  My back has lost fat, my legs have lost fat, and pretty sure my face neck and shoulders have.  But dang if that belly fat just will not let go!  I read about everyone wearing smaller pants.  I have gone down a couple of sizes, but nothing like 54-42.  More like 54-50.  This is frustrating because most of my body needs to wear smaller clothes, but my waist is still so big!  I have a coworker whose job it is to tell me when my clothes are too big.  She is great about it, but everytime it is because my pants look too big.  All I can say is it is snug in the gut, even though they look like clown pants everywhere else. Anyway, looking for some feedback from guys who have had a similar problem.  I am enjoying the ride for sure, and working out regularly, so the health benefits are there.  Now I want the pants benefits! If you read any of that, just wanted to add that I finally got around to uploading pictures of my progress if you care to check it out!
on 10/28/07 1:27 pm - Barboursville, WV

Hang in there Nick, all of a sudden you will be going through pants sizes like crazy. Mine was some thing like that. Pretty soon you will be holding up a pair of jeans and thinking my ass will never fit in those and you put them on and they fit. I am wearing a size 34 and every morning when go to put them on that's what I think. Ten months ago I was probably still wearing a size 50, at my largest I wore a size 54. Sound like you are doing great, just keep up the good work.


pan head

on 10/28/07 10:50 pm - AL
Congrats on the great loss so far. My first comment would be this is just how things are.  Our bodies are genetically coded to store (and lose) ea*****remental pound of fat in specific places, and for some people(like me) that means you lose the gut fast but the legs and back stay pretty fat late (my waist was up to 60, now 38), and for others it's the opposite. My other comment, though, would be if you want to artificially drop a couple pant sizes, it might help to try some Underarmour-style shirts.  I buy the Wal-Mart athleticworks shirts (down a size from what I wear, so like a XL when I was wearing 2X).  That overnight allowed me to wear pants that were 2-4 inches smaller at the waist without having a gut hanging out over them.  They also just generally improve the look of my shape (and cause a lot of people, wrongly, to assume that I don't have any skin issues).
Nick P.
on 10/28/07 11:48 pm - Cheyenne, WY
Thanks, I think I will look into getting something like that.
Gerald W.
on 10/28/07 11:49 pm - Del Rio, TX
I lost way more inches in my waist from 3 to 6 months than I thought I would with much less weight loss. Hang in things happen. You'll be fine!
on 10/29/07 12:36 am
I have noticed the same thing. I am just starting the process but I am down 62.8 lbs in five weeks. Ihave noticed my neck and face looking smaller. Shirts are fitting much looser but I tried on a 58 pant last week instead of my normal 60 and they were too tight to wear. I was surprised because last time I dropped 40lbs or so I had to move down in pants the sixties were hanging off.  It is nice to think that I will loose it in the belly as well but my wife did point out that I am older now than the last time. I am 37. She can be brutally honest like that. So hopefully It will begin to come off there as well soon enough. Jon
Eric S.
on 10/29/07 4:34 am - Portage, IN
RNY on 08/14/07 with
You are 2 weeks ahead of me, as my surgery was 8/14. I have lost a bit over 60 pounds since surgery, and most if it from my chest and shoulders. I have gone down about 3-4 pant sizes, but it is much more noticeable in my chest and shoulders. I'm sure the belly will go soon enough. Eric
Doug Such
on 10/29/07 9:08 am - Northern, CA
Hey Nick, Relax--or try to--you're doing and looking great. The frustration you feel is par for the course for some of us. I find that I have two waists, one standing and one sitting. When I sit down, my lower belly pushes me waist out, so I have to wear pants loose enough to be moderately comfortable when I'm sitting. But . . . when I do that, my pants are baggy (especially in the backside area). I'm still pearish shaped, only a smaller, sort of dehyrdated, flat-backed pear than I was huge. Even some of my shirts tend to be too loose at the chest and shoulders  in order to fit the shifting waistline. My wife is always telling my pants are too big. when I wear pants that she says fit, they're not comfortable. But, hey, what a great problem to have, eh? We are clearly shrinking and just have to let our bods morph according to their own mysterious agendas. You WILL get down to those smaller sizes, just not symmetrically. Try to enjoy the ride--you're going in the right direction.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

on 10/30/07 2:31 am - Lawrence, IN
Nick, You're doing great!  At first I lost most of my weight in my face and neck, and then the gut followed along.  I started at size 48 and now after 18 months, I'm in a 30, sometimes 28.  To think I'm considered a light weight, only losing 140 pounds.  You're doing wonderful and in time it will all come together.  Keep up the good job.  Good luck. Floyd

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