6 Week Check Up - Possible Gall Stones
Hey Yall, I went to the Dr yesterday for my 6 week check-up. I weighed in at 279, down from 338. The Dr asked me how I was feeling and I told him that I was having some pain on the left side of my back just below the ribcage. He said that it might be "Gall Stones" and has scheduled me for a Sonagram in two weeks. Has anyone else developed gall stones after surgery. He said that if I did have stones that there is some medication that he can prescribe that would dissolve them so I might not have to have surgery. My gall bladder was clean before the WLS so I am a little concerned.
Best thing, just jump in an let them take it out. Mine showed a little cloudy prior to surgery but was left in. Nine months later they take it out. Dr said around 100 bb size stones. Hard to figure. Surgery done as day surgery, recovery is quick, wouldnt miss it , just another scar on your belly. Dennis- Sugery Mar 2005 340 highest 175 lowest 190 current.