Food Alergies
Ok... I have always been plagued with bad allergies. Ever since my WLS... my alergies are 1/10th what they once where. I had blood work drawn when I was a kid, and they told me I was alergic to over 500 items...
So, now that I am not eating 80% of what I once was, I am think alot of my problems were related to food. I have just discovered that Banana's actually trigger an allergy attack for me... Pretty wild huh?
Anyone else notice this same trend?
Before surgery I used to have headaches every day. They stopped when I started my pre-surgery diet, and were gone for almost 3 months until I started to try some of the old foods (e.g., cheddar chese, diet coke). I think I have to stay on the straight and narrow, because I can't take Excedrin like I used to.
Glad to hear that you are identifying some of your allergies.
Hey, I just looked at your profile and saw a picture of you in an Auburn shirt. WAR EAGLE !!!
Joe Bear (class of '76)
I understand that food alergies are pretty common. We may not realize it though unless we are diagnosed, or until we have to go on a diet and ci]ut that food out. Even then we may not attribue our problems to allergies. If I eat certain foods, mostly those with sugar, i get hedaches and my heart races.