Hey guys I dont know if any of you all even remember me lol I havnet posted in a longggggggggggg time, I have some what of a good reason........ Since my surgery I have come off disability that I was on for 4 and a half years and have gone back to work as a over the road truck driver.. I have lost from 537 (highest known weight but weighed more before I found a scale to weigh me) down to the 280's. I have gone from not hardly being able to move to working on flatbed loads tarping and climbing all over them.

I am running the middle of the country mainly and the southeast. I am in better shape now than I was in high school.. I have more energy than I know what to do with. I want to thank all of you tha helped support me. I am still watching everything I eat and am doing real well.
Just wanted to drop a note to let you all know I was still alive.