
on 10/19/07 2:04 am - Milpitas, CA
Hi Guys

I am about one year out and can just about eat anything I want. Lately I have noticed that I have been munching but, by the time I realize that I have been munching, it's all gone and then I sat to my self WTF!!!!! plus its crap food that I munch.

How do you guys control your munches?

10/31/06 Roux-Y Gastric Bypass
Heaviest Weight: 325, Now 158
Diabetes, type 2, Now Gone
High Blood pressure, Now Gone
High Cholesterol, Now Gone
Sleep Apnea, Now Gone

on 10/19/07 2:59 am - Capital District, NY
Only way I've found to avoid it is to not have the stuff around that I would be munching on. You can use the "Ppuch Rules" and water loading to keep the "full" sensation, but at about a year - 18 months is the time that hunger can start to come back... My .02... ...Nick
Dave S
on 10/19/07 3:27 am - Fairview Heights, IL

Amen.  I'm in the same boat.  Pringles are my nemisis.   I'm wanting the crunch.  I can avoid them at work, but when I'm home relaxing it's bad.  I'm glad it's not just me. 




Doug Such
on 10/19/07 3:49 am - Northern, CA
Besides not having certain stuff around, I treat myself to high-quality half-caf coffee. I drink a cup when I'm hungry. Also, I allow myself an ounce of nuts now and then and an occasional Atkins protein bar when I've "earned" it via activity. Jerky is good, safe munch because it takes so long to chew and it's filling (protein, low cals). Good luck.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

Rob S.
on 10/19/07 4:51 am - DE
The only thing that works for me is to stick to my five to six meals per day.  I no exactly what I eat at each of those meals.  No grazing in between meals.  Drink lots of liquids between the meals. Good luck, now is the time to get things in place. Rob
Michael S.
on 10/19/07 10:32 am - Arlington, TX
Just replace those munchies with something very healthy like a carrot. Also the beef jerky suggestion above is really good. I'm sure its alright to munch as long as it is only good stuff. Mind over matter.  Just remember where you came from and that what your doing will send you right back there. Good Luck !!!



on 10/19/07 2:17 pm - Marlton, NJ
Lap Band on 12/04/06 with
I find the best thing that I munch on that fills me up and isnt that bad for you is beef jerky. very good protein and very low fat. You can also find exotic jerkys such as buffalo jerky and the best is ostrich jerky (expensive though).  I have written about beef jerky before because if you buy it at a grocery store it comes out to about $24.00 per pound.  I searched the web for a cheaper source and I found Jerky net. They have several flavors of beef jerky and it comes in one pound bags which are only $9.79 per pound. Even though the price seems so cheap the quality is very good. I'm eating some of their brown sugar cured jerky right now. If you buy 6 pounds they ship it for free. here is the link to their web site: h=1&zenid=f71147b82e012f74373537b40dd97443.  They ship real fast too. Another alternative is raw almonds, these are supposed to be very good for you.  Both of these are good alternatives to munching on any kind of chip or cookie, however anything taken in excess is not good for you. But a little bit of these snacks seems to fill me and last for quite a while. Dan      
on 10/19/07 4:23 pm - Barboursville, WV

Hey Dan,

I buy this same brand of jerky at Walmart every week for $8.50. I just went and looked at the bag. They only have one flavor, the old fashion in the tan bag. Kroger has it also but it runs $11.50 there. Kroger does keep the brown sugar one as well though. Once a week I stop at wally world for jerky and walmart brand SF drink mix, my current favorites are the grape and cherry lemonaide.

pan head

on 10/20/07 7:44 am - Marlton, NJ
Lap Band on 12/04/06 with
Hey pan head, I think jerky net has some real good tasting jerky.  If you go to their web site they have 5 different flavors of jerky: Old Fashioned,  teryaki,  Brown sugar cured,  pepper cured and hot and spicy.  Plus if you order 6 pounds or more they give you free shipping.   I don't know why or how their jerky is so cheap compared to all the other brands, but who cares as long as it tastes good. We have a walmart here but no Krogers. And what is wally world?  would that be bass pro shoppes? We don't have any of those here on Long Island but I have relatives in NC and I saw one of those stores there and what a store! My brother in law calls it wally world because it's so big, is that the same as your wally world? Dan
on 10/20/07 7:54 am - Barboursville, WV

Wally world is what I call walmart some times with out really thinking.

pan head

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